Census Data API: Variables in /data/2012/ecncrfin/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
14 variables
ESTABNumber of establishmentsFinance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredESTAB_F0(not a predicate)EC1252SXSB07
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
GEO_IDGeographic identifier codeFinance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredGEO_TTL, GEO_ID_F0(not a predicate)EC1252SXSB07
GEOTYPEType of geography flagnot required0string N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
INCCFF_PCTPercent of credit financing services income from fees (%)Finance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredINCCFF_PCT_F0floatEC1252SXSB07
INCCFINType of credit financing services income codeFinance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012default displayedINCCFIN_TTL0stringEC1252SXSB07
INCCFIN_PCTPercent of credit financing services income from interest (%)Finance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredINCCFIN_PCT_F0floatEC1252SXSB07
INCCFOTF_PCTPercent of credit financing services income from other fees (%)Finance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredINCCFOTF_PCT_F0floatEC1252SXSB07
NAICS20122012 NAICS codeFinance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012default displayedNAICS2012_TTL, NAICS2012_F, INDGROUP, SUBSECTOR, SECTOR, INDLEVEL, NAICS2012_F0stringEC1252SXSB07
RCPTOTValue of sales, shipments, receipts, revenue, or business done ($1,000)Finance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredRCPTOT_F0(not a predicate)EC1252SXSB07
STFIPS state codenot required0(not a predicate) N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A
YEARYearFinance and Insurance: Subject Series - Misc Subjects: Types of Credit Financing Services Income for the U.S.: 2012not requiredYEAR_TTL0stringEC1252SXSB07