Census API: groups in /data/2012/sbo/cscbo/groups
NameDescriptionVariable List
10 groups
SB1200CSCBO01Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by How the Owner Initially Acquired the Business by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO02Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Year the Owner Acquired the Business by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO03Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Owner's Primary Function in the Business by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO04Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Owner's Average Number of Hours Per Week Spent Managing or Working in the Business by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO05Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Whether the Business Provided the Owner's Primary Source of Personal Income by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO06Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Whether the Owner Previously Owned a Business or Had Been Self-Employed by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO07Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Owner's Educational Background by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO08Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Owner's Age by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO11Statistics for Owners of Respondent Firms by Whether the Owner Was Born a U.S. Citizen by Gender, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2012selected variables
SB1200CSCBO12Statistics for Veteran Owners of Respondent Firms by Owner's Specific Veteran Characteristics and Gender for the U.S.: 2012selected variables