Census API: Datasets in /data/2017/ecnbridge1 and its descendants
TitleDescriptionVintageDataset NameDataset TypeGeography ListVariable ListGroup ListSortListExamplesDeveloper DocumentationAPI Base URL
1 dataset
Economic Census: Core Statistics: Selected Sectors: Industry Bridge Statistics on the Current NAICS Basis With Distribution Among the Previous NAICS-Based Industries for the U.S.This dataset presents statistics on: the number of establishments; sales, value of shipments, or revenue; annual payroll; and number of employees whose NAICS classification has changed between the current and the previous economic censuses. Data are shown for 6-digit current economic census NAICS industries and their 8-digit previous economic census NAICS components for the U.S. Includes only establishments of firms with paid employees.2017ecnbridge1Aggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/2017/ecnbridge1