AIR_VAL_MO | Air Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
AIR_VAL_YR | Year-to-Date Air Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
AIR_WGT_MO | Air Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
AIR_WGT_YR | Year-to-Date Air Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CNT_VAL_MO | Containerized Vessel Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CNT_VAL_YR | Year-to-Date Containerized Vessel Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CNT_WGT_MO | Containerized Vessel Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CNT_WGT_YR | Year-to-Date Containerized Vessel Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
COMM_LVL | 4-character aggregation levels for commodity code | | not required | COMM_LVL_LABEL | 0 | string |
CON_VAL_MO | Imports for Consumption, Total Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CON_VAL_YR | Year-to-Date Imports for Consumption, Total Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
CTY_CODE | Country Code | | not required | CTY_NAME | 0 | string |
for | Census API FIPS 'for' clause | Census API Geography Specification | predicate-only | | 0 | fips-for |
GEN_VAL_MO | General Imports, Total Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
GEN_VAL_YR | Year-to-Date General Imports, Total Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
GEO_ID | Geographic identifier code | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | NAME | 0 | string | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
GEOCOMP | GEO_ID Component | | not required | | 0 | string |
in | Census API FIPS 'in' clause | Census API Geography Specification | predicate-only | | 0 | fips-in |
LAST_UPDATE | Date of Last Update | | not required | | 0 | string |
MONTH | Month | | not required | | 0 | string |
NAICS | NAICS-based International Trade Code | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | default displayed | NAICS_LABEL | 0 | string | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
NAICS_LDESC | 150-character NAICS-based International Trade Code Description | | not required | | 0 | string |
NAICS_SDESC | 50-character NAICS-based International Trade Code Description | | not required | | 0 | string |
SUMLEVEL | Summary Level code | | not required | | 0 | string |
SUMMARY_LVL | Detail or Country Grouping indicator | | not required | | 0 | string |
SUMMARY_LVL2 | Variables being summarized | | not required | | 0 | string |
time | ISO-8601 Date/Time value | Census API Date/Time Specification | required, predicate-only | | 0 | datetime |
ucgid | Uniform Census Geography Identifier clause | Census API Geography Specification | predicate-only | | 0 | ucgid |
US_STATE | State of Destination | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | US_STATE_LABEL | 0 | string | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
USITC | USITC Standard Countries and Areas | | not required | | 0 | (not a predicate) |
USITCHISTORY | USITC Standard Historical Countries and Areas | | not required | | 0 | (not a predicate) |
USITCREG | USITC Standard International Regions | | not required | | 0 | (not a predicate) |
VES_VAL_MO | Vessel Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
VES_VAL_YR | Year-to-Date Vessel Value | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
VES_WGT_MO | Vessel Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
VES_WGT_YR | Year-to-Date Vessel Shipping Weight | Monthly Imports by State and NAICS | not required | | 0 | int | IT00IMPORTSSTATENAICS |
WORLD | World | | not required | | 0 | (not a predicate) |
YEAR | Year | | not required | | 0 | string |