Census API: Datasets in /data/1990 and its descendants
TitleDescriptionVintageDataset NameDataset TypeGeography ListVariable ListGroup ListSortListExamplesDeveloper DocumentationAPI Base URL
36 datasets
1990 County Business Patterns: Business PatternsCounty Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series that provides economic data by industry at the U.S., State, County and Metropolitan Area levels. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll. CBP provides statistics for businesses with paid employees for the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas. Census Bureau staff identified a processing error that affects selected data from the 2014 County Business Patterns (CBP). As a result, we suppressed 2014 employment and payroll totals in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector (Sector 62) for the following geographies: U.S.; Michigan; Battle Creek, MI metro area; Calhoun County, MI; and the 3rd congressional district of Michigan. This processing error did not affect other sectors. While suppressed values can be derived by subtraction, we do not recommend using the derived values in any analyses. The Census Bureau plans to release revised statistics at a later date.1990cbpAggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cbp
Apr 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicaprMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/apr
Aug 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicaugMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/aug
Dec 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicdecMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/dec
Feb 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicfebMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/feb
Jan 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicjanMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/jan
Jul 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicjulMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/jul
Jun 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicjunMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/jun
Mar 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicmarMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/mar
May 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicmayMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/may
Nov 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicnovMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/nov
Oct 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicoctMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/oct
Sep 1990 Current Population Survey: Basic MonthlyTo provide estimates of employment, unemployment, and other characteristics of the general labor force, of the population as a whole, and of various subgroups of the population. Monthly labor force data for the country are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the distribution of funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. These data are collected through combined computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In addition to the labor force data, the CPS basic funding provides annual data on work experience, income, and migration from the March Annual Demographic Supplement and on school enrollment of the population from the October Supplement. Other supplements, some of which are sponsored by other agencies, are conducted biennially or intermittently.1990cpsbasicsepMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/cps/basic/sep
1990 Population Estimates - 1990-2000 Intercensal Estimates: County Estimates by 5 Year Age Groups, Race by Sex, and Hispanic OriginIntercensal Estimates of the Resident Population by Age Groups, Race by Sex, and Hispanic Origin for Counties: July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999 // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // For detailed information about the methods used to create the intercensal population estimates, see https://www.census.gov/popest/methodology/intercensal_nat_meth.pdf. // The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program produces intercensal estimates each decade by adjusting the existing time series of postcensal estimates for a decade to smooth the transition from one decennial census count to the next. They differ from the postcensal estimates that are released annually because they rely on a formula that redistributes the difference between the April 1 postcensal estimate and April 1 census count for the end of the decade across the estimates for that decade. Meanwhile, the postcensal estimates incorporate current data on births, deaths, and migration to produce each new vintage of estimates, and to revise estimates for years back to the last census. The Population Estimates Program provides additional information including historical and postcensal estimates, evaluation estimates, demographic analysis, and research papers on its website: https://www.census.gov/popest/index.html.1990pepint_charagegroupsAggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/pep/int_charagegroups
1990 Population Estimates - 1990-2000 Intercensal Estimates: United States Civilian Population Estimates by Age and SexMonthly Intercensal Estimates of the Civilian Population by Single Year of Age and Sex: April 1, 1990 to April 1, 2000 // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // For detailed information about the methods used to create the intercensal population estimates, see https://www.census.gov/popest/methodology/intercensal_nat_meth.pdf. // The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program produces intercensal estimates each decade by adjusting the existing time series of postcensal estimates for a decade to smooth the transition from one decennial census count to the next. They differ from the postcensal estimates that are released annually because they rely on a formula that redistributes the difference between the April 1 postcensal estimate and April 1 census count for the end of the decade across the estimates for that decade. Meanwhile, the postcensal estimates incorporate current data on births, deaths, and migration to produce each new vintage of estimates, and to revise estimates for years back to the last census. The Population Estimates Program provides additional information including historical and postcensal estimates, evaluation estimates, demographic analysis, and research papers on its website: https://www.census.gov/popest/index.html.1990pepint_natcivpopAggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/pep/int_natcivpop
1990 Population Estimates - 1990-2000 Intercensal Estimates: United States Resident plus Armed Forces Overseas Population Estimates by Age and SexMonthly Intercensal Estimates of the Resident plus Armed Forces Overseas Population by Single Year of Age and Sex: April 1, 1990 to April 1, 2000 // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // For detailed information about the methods used to create the intercensal population estimates, see https://www.census.gov/popest/methodology/intercensal_nat_meth.pdf. // The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program produces intercensal estimates each decade by adjusting the existing time series of postcensal estimates for a decade to smooth the transition from one decennial census count to the next. They differ from the postcensal estimates that are released annually because they rely on a formula that redistributes the difference between the April 1 postcensal estimate and April 1 census count for the end of the decade across the estimates for that decade. Meanwhile, the postcensal estimates incorporate current data on births, deaths, and migration to produce each new vintage of estimates, and to revise estimates for years back to the last census. The Population Estimates Program provides additional information including historical and postcensal estimates, evaluation estimates, demographic analysis, and research papers on its website: https://www.census.gov/popest/index.html.1990pepint_natresafoAggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/pep/int_natresafo
1990 Population Estimates - 1990-2000 Intercensal Estimates: United States Resident Population Estimates by Age and SexMonthly Intercensal Estimates of the Resident Population by Single Year of Age and Sex: April 1, 1990 to April 1, 2000 // Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division // For detailed information about the methods used to create the intercensal population estimates, see https://www.census.gov/popest/methodology/intercensal_nat_meth.pdf. // The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program produces intercensal estimates each decade by adjusting the existing time series of postcensal estimates for a decade to smooth the transition from one decennial census count to the next. They differ from the postcensal estimates that are released annually because they rely on a formula that redistributes the difference between the April 1 postcensal estimate and April 1 census count for the end of the decade across the estimates for that decade. Meanwhile, the postcensal estimates incorporate current data on births, deaths, and migration to produce each new vintage of estimates, and to revise estimates for years back to the last census. The Population Estimates Program provides additional information including historical and postcensal estimates, evaluation estimates, demographic analysis, and research papers on its website: https://www.census.gov/popest/index.html.1990pepint_natrespopAggregategeographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/pep/int_natrespop
1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Type of Benefit and Year of Death DataThis file contains two items from the benefit records of the Social Security Administration (SSA) for the SIPP 1990 Panel: (1) a summary type of benefit code for the Old-Age-Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program, popularly known as Social Security for persons in current payment status as of December of the initial full calendar year of each panel, and (2) year of death for sample members identified as having died prior to 1997.1990sippbenefit1990panelMicrodatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/benefit/1990panel
Wave 1 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave1Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave1
Wave 2 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave2Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave2
Wave 3 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave3Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave3
Wave 4 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave4Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave4
Wave 5 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave5Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave5
Wave 6 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave6Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave6
Wave 7 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave7Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave7
Wave 8 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: CoreSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. These microdata contain demographic and social characteristic information for each sample member, as well as detailed data on labor force activity, types and amounts of income, and participation in various cash and noncash benefit programs. Questions about these topics were repeated for eight interviews. Each interview covered a four-month reference period, with the first interview covering February 1990 to May 1990.1990sippcore1990panelwave8Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/core/1990panel/wave8
Wave 2 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave2Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave2
Wave 3 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave3Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave3
Wave 4 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave4Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave4
Wave 6 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave6Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave6
Wave 7 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave7Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave7
Wave 8 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopical1990panelwave8Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topical/1990panel/wave8
Wave 5 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Education Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopicaled1990panelwave5Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topicaled/1990panel/wave5
Wave 5 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Education Extract Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopicaledex1990panelwave5Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topicaledex/1990panel/wave5
Wave 8 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Education Extract Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopicaledex1990panelwave8Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topicaledex/1990panel/wave8
Wave 5 Survey of Income and Program Participation - 1990 Panel: Research Topical ModulesSIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive data about the income and government program participation of individuals and households in the United States. Most interviews of the 1990 SIPP Panel included a topical module that asked for detailed information on one of a rotating group of topics. These microdata contain data for these rotating topics. Interviews occurred every four months, with the first interview occurring between February 1990 to May 1990.1990sipptopicalres1990panelwave5Microdatageographiesvariablesgroupssortsexamplesdocumentationhttp://api.census.gov/data/1990/sipp/topicalres/1990panel/wave5