Census Data API: SUBSECTOR in /data/2017/cfsarea
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttribute ofLimitPredicate TypeGroup
1 variable
SUBSECTORSUBSECTORGeographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by Origin Geography by NAICS by Distance Shipped: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by Origin Geography by NAICS by Shipment Weight: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by Origin Geography by NAICS by Commodity: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by NAICS by Mode by Distance Shipped for the United States: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by NAICS by Mode by Shipment Weight for the United States: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by Origin Geography by NAICS: 2017 and 2012;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by Origin Geography by Destination Geography by NAICS by Mode: 2017;Geographic Area Series: Shipment Characteristics by NAICS by Mode by Commodity for the United States: 2017not requiredNAICS20120stringCF1700A08, CF1700A17, CF1700A18, CF1700A19, CF1700A24, CF1700A25, CF1700A22, CF1700A23