Census Data API: Variables in /data/2017/ecnlifomine/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
23 variables
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
GEO_IDGeographic identifier codeMining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredNAME0stringEC1721LIFOMINE
GEOCOMPGEO_ID Componentdefault displayed0string N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
INDGROUPIndustry groupnot required0string N/A
INDLEVELIndustry levelnot required0int N/A
INVCBLast-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory valuation, beginning of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVCB_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVCELast-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory valuation, end of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVCE_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVNCBNon-LIFO costing, beginning of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVNCB_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVNCENon-LIFO costing, end of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVNCE_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVRSVBLIFO reserve, beginning of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVRSVB_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVRSVELIFO reserve, end of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVRSVE_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVTOTBTotal inventories, beginning of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVTOTB_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVTOTETotal inventories, end of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVTOTE_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVVALBLIFO net value, beginning of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVVALB_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
INVVALELIFO net value, end of year ($1,000)Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredINVVALE_F0intEC1721LIFOMINE
NAICS20172017 NAICS codeMining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not requiredNAICS2017_F, NAICS2017_LABEL, NAICS2017_F0stringEC1721LIFOMINE
NATIONGeographynot required0(not a predicate) N/A
SECTORNAICS economic sector Mining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not required0stringEC1721LIFOMINE
SUBSECTORSUBSECTORnot required0string N/A
SUMLEVELSummary Level codenot required0string N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A
YEARYearMining: Inventories with LIFO Valuation for the U.S.: 2017not required0stringEC1721LIFOMINE