Census Data API: Variables in /data/2018/zbp/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
21 variables
EMPNumber of employeesAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredEMP_F0intCB1800ZBP
EMP_NNoise range for number of employeesAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredEMP_N_F0intCB1800ZBP
EMPSZESEmployment size of establishmentsAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018default displayedEMPSZES_LABEL0stringCB1800ZBP
ESTABNumber of establishmentsAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredESTAB_F0intCB1800ZBP
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
GEO_IDGeographic identifier codeAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredGEO_ID_F, NAME0stringCB1800ZBP
GEOCOMPGEO_ID Componentdefault displayed0string N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
INDGROUPIndustry groupnot required0string N/A
INDLEVELIndustry levelnot required0int N/A
NAICS20172017 NAICS codeAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018default displayedNAICS2017_F, NAICS2017_LABEL, NAICS2017_F0stringCB1800ZBP
PAYANNAnnual payroll ($1,000)All Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredPAYANN_F0intCB1800ZBP
PAYANN_NNoise range for annual payrollAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredPAYANN_N_F0intCB1800ZBP
PAYQTR1First-quarter payroll ($1,000)All Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredPAYQTR1_F0intCB1800ZBP
PAYQTR1_NNoise range for first-quarter payrollAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not requiredPAYQTR1_N_F0intCB1800ZBP
SECTORNAICS economic sectornot required0string N/A
SUBSECTORSUBSECTORnot required0string N/A
SUMLEVELSummary Level codenot required0string N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A
YEARYearAll Sectors: ZIP Code Business Patterns by Employment Size Class for 5-digit zipcode level: 2018not required0stringCB1800ZBP
ZIPCODE5-digit ZIP Codenot required0(not a predicate) N/A