NAME | Geographic Area Name | Annual Business Survey: Statistics for Employer Firms by Veteran Status for the U.S.: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Receipts Size of Firm Statistics for Employer Firms by Industry, Sex, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S., States, and Metro Areas: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Employment Size of Firm Statistics for Employer Firms by Industry, Sex, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S., States, and Metro Areas: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Urban and Rural Classification of Firm Statistics for Employer Firms by Industry, Sex, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S., States, and Metro Areas: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Statistics for Employer Firms by Ethnicity for the U.S.: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Statistics for Employer Firms by Industry, Sex, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S., States, and Metro Areas: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Statistics for Employer Firms by Sex for the U.S.: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Years in Business Statistics for Employer Firms by Industry, Sex, Ethnicity, Race, and Veteran Status for the U.S., States, and Metro Areas: 2021;Annual Business Survey: Statistics for Employer Firms by Race for the U.S.: 2021 | not required | GEO_ID | 0 | string | AB2100CSA01,