Census Data API: Variables in /data/2022/acs/flows/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
46 variables
COUNTY1FIPS county code of reference geographynot required0(not a predicate) N/A
COUNTY1_NAMEFIPS county name of reference geographynot required0string N/A
COUNTY2FIPS county code of second geographynot required0int N/A
COUNTY2_NAMEFIPS county name of second geography (blank for world region)not required0string N/A
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
FROMABROAD_MMovers from abroad margin of errornot requiredFROMABROAD0int N/A
FROMDIFFCTY_MMovers from different county, same state margin of errornot requiredFROMDIFFCTY0int N/A
FROMDIFFMCD_MMovers from different MCD, same state margin of errornot requiredFROMDIFFMCD0int N/A
FROMDIFFMETRO_MMovers from different metro area in the United States or Puerto Rico margin of errornot requiredFROMDIFFMETRO0int N/A
FROMDIFFSTATE_MMovers from different state margin of errornot requiredFROMDIFFSTATE0int N/A
FROMELSEWHEREUSPR_MMovers from outside metro area in the United States or Puerto Rico margin of errornot requiredFROMELSEWHEREUSPR0int N/A
FULL1_NAMEFull name of reference geographynot required0string N/A
FULL2_NAMEFull name of second geographynot required0string N/A
GEOID1Combined codes for the reference geographynot required0string N/A
GEOID2Combined codes for the second geographynot required0string N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
MCD1FIPS MCD code of reference geographynot required0string N/A
MCD1_NAMEMCD name of reference geographynot required0string N/A
MCD2FIPS MCD code of second geographynot required0int N/A
MCD2_NAMEMCD name of second geography (blank for world region)not required0string N/A
METRO1Metropolitan statistical area code of reference geographynot required0string N/A
METRO1_NAMEMetropolitan statistical area name of reference geographynot required0string N/A
METRO2Metropolitan statistical area code of second geographynot required0string N/A
METRO2_NAMEMetropolitan statistical area name of second geographynot required0string N/A
MOVEDIN_MTotal inbound migration margin of errornot requiredMOVEDIN0int N/A
MOVEDNET_MTotal net migration margin of errornot requiredMOVEDNET0int N/A
MOVEDOUT_MTotal outbound migration margin of errornot requiredMOVEDOUT0int N/A
NONMOVERS_MSame residence 1 year ago (nonmovers) margin of errornot requiredNONMOVERS0int N/A
POP1YR_MPopulation 1 year and over margin of errornot requiredPOP1YR0int N/A
POP1YRAGO_MPopulation living in county 1 year ago margin of errornot requiredPOP1YRAGO0int N/A
SAMECOUNTY_MMovers within same county margin of errornot requiredSAMECOUNTY0int N/A
SAMEMCD_MMovers within same MCD margin of errornot requiredSAMEMCD0int N/A
SAMEMETRO_MMovers within same metro area margin of errornot requiredSAMEMETRO0int N/A
STATE1FIPS county code of reference geographynot required0(not a predicate) N/A
STATE1_NAMEFIPS State name of reference geographynot required0string N/A
STATE2State code/world region code of second geographynot required0string N/A
STATE2_NAMEState code/world region name of second geographynot required0string N/A
SUMLEV1Geographic summary level of reference geographynot required0int N/A
SUMLEV2Geographic summary level of second geographynot required0int N/A
TODIFFCTY_MMovers to different county, same state margin of errornot requiredTODIFFCTY0int N/A
TODIFFMCD_MMovers to different MCD, same state margin of errornot requiredTODIFFMCD0int N/A
TODIFFMETRO_MMovers to different metro area margin of errornot requiredTODIFFMETRO0int N/A
TODIFFSTATE_MMovers to different state margin of errornot requiredTODIFFSTATE0int N/A
TOELSEWHEREUSPR_MMovers to outside metro area in the United States or Puerto Rico margin of errornot requiredTOELSEWHEREUSPR0int N/A
TOPUERTORICO_MMovers to Puerto Rico margin of errornot requiredTOPUERTORICO0int N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A