Census Data API: Variables in /data/1990/cps/basic/apr/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
238 variables
A_ABSREALabor Force-reasons for absence, pay statusnot required0int N/A
A_AG_NAIndus.&Occ.-agriculture, non-agriculturenot required0int N/A
A_AGEDemographic-agenot required0int N/A
A_ANYWKLabor Force-worknot required0int N/A
A_AVAILLabor Force-available jobnot required0int N/A
A_CHKWJIndus.&Occ.-interviewer check itemnot required0int N/A
A_CIVLFLabor Force-civilian labor forcenot required0int N/A
A_CLSWKRIndus.&Occ.-class of workernot required0int N/A
A_DSCWKLabor Force-discouraged worker flagnot required0int N/A
A_DTCLWKIndus.&Occ.-detailed class of workernot required0int N/A
A_DTINDIndus.&Occ.-detailed industry codenot required0int N/A
A_DTOCCIndus.&Occ.-detailed occupation codenot required0int N/A
A_EARNRTEarnings-interviewer check itemnot required0int N/A
A_EMPLabor Force-employed personsnot required0int N/A
A_EMPHRSLabor Force-reasons, hoursnot required0int N/A
A_ENRCHKSchool Enrollment-interviewer check itemnot required0int N/A
A_ENRLWSchool Enrollment-enrolled/attending an inst. of educ.not required0int N/A
A_ERNELEarnings-eligibilitynot required0int N/A
A_ERNLWTWeight-earnings/not in labor force weightnot required0int N/A
A_EXPLFLabor Force-employment statusnot required0int N/A
A_EXPRRPDemographic-expanded relationship codenot required0int N/A
A_FAMNUMDemographic-family numbernot required0int N/A
A_FAMRELDemographic-family relationshipnot required0int N/A
A_FAMTYPDemographic-family typenot required0int N/A
A_FAMWGTWeight-family weightnot required0int N/A
A_FERNTFEarnings-family earnings top code flagnot required0int N/A
A_FERNTPEarnings-family earnings top codednot required0int N/A
A_FMEWGTWeight-family earnings weightnot required0int N/A
A_FNLWGTWeight-adults final weightnot required0int N/A
A_FTABSLabor Force-hours worked/weeknot required0int N/A
A_FTLFLabor Force-f/t labor forcenot required0int N/A
A_FTPTSchool Enrollment-f/t or p/t studentnot required0int N/A
A_FTREASLabor Force-hours usually worked/weeknot required0int N/A
A_HERNTFEarnings-hourly earnings top code flagnot required0int N/A
A_HERNTPEarnings-hourly earnings top codenot required0int N/A
A_HGADemographic-highest dgree, grade completednot required0int N/A
A_HGCGrade Completed?not required0int N/A
A_HRLYWKEarnings-hourly wagenot required0int N/A
A_HRS1Labor Force-total hours workednot required0int N/A
A_HRSCHKLabor Force-interviewer checknot required0int N/A
A_HSCOLSchool Enrollment-institutionnot required0int N/A
A_INDIndus.&Occ.-(main job)industry codenot required0int N/A
A_INTENDLabor Force-intend to look for worknot required0int N/A
A_IOELIGIndus.&Occ.-I&O eligibilitynot required0int N/A
A_JOBABSLabor Force-absence from jobnot required0int N/A
A_LFESFLabor Force-labor force, earner status (female)not required0int N/A
A_LFESMLabor Force-labor force, earner status (male)not required0int N/A
A_LFSRLabor Force-labor force status recodenot required0int N/A
A_LINENODemographic-line numbernot required0int N/A
A_LKFTPTLabor Force-full-time/part-timenot required0int N/A
A_LKWKLabor Force-looking for worknot required0int N/A
A_LOSTIMLabor Force-lost time, time off from worknot required0int N/A
A_MAJACTLabor Force-activities last weeknot required0int N/A
A_MARITLDemographic-marital statusnot required0int N/A
A_MJINDInd.&Occ.-major industry codenot required0int N/A
A_MJOCCIndus.&Occ.-major occupation codenot required0int N/A
A_MTHD1Labor Force-public employment agencynot required0int N/A
A_MTHD2Labor Force-private emp. agencynot required0int N/A
A_MTHD3Labor Force-employernot required0int N/A
A_MTHD4Labor Force-friends/relativesnot required0int N/A
A_MTHD5Labor Force-placed, answered ADSnot required0int N/A
A_MTHD6Labor Force-nothingnot required0int N/A
A_MTHD7Labor Force-othernot required0int N/A
A_NAGPWSLabor Force-non-agricultural private wage & salary workersnot required0int N/A
A_NAGWSIndus.&Occ.-non-agricultural wage and salary workersnot required0int N/A
A_NLFLJLabor Force-work for paynot required0int N/A
A_NLFREALabor Force-current activity/reasonnot required0int N/A
A_NLFROTLabor Force-interviewer check itemnot required0int N/A
A_OCCIndus.&Occ.-(main job)occupation codenot required0int N/A
A_OVRTIMLabor Force-overtime workednot required0int N/A
A_PARENTDemographic-line numbernot required0int N/A
A_PAYABSLabor Force-paid absencesnot required0int N/A
A_PFFTPTLabor Force-full-time/part-time statusnot required0int N/A
A_PFHHAGDemographic-agenot required0int N/A
A_PFNOCDDemographic-# of children < 18not required0int N/A
A_PFNOEMLabor Force-number of employednot required0int N/A
A_PFNOEREarnings-number of earnersnot required0int N/A
A_PFNOUNLabor Force-number of unemployednot required0int N/A
A_PFPRCDDemographic-children < 18 in primary familynot required0int N/A
A_PFRELDemographic-primary family relationshipnot required0int N/A
A_PFSIZEDemographic-sizenot required0int N/A
A_PFWSLabor Force-wage and salarynot required0int N/A
A_PTHRSLabor Force-part-time hoursnot required0int N/A
A_PTREALabor Force-reasonsnot required0int N/A
A_RACEDemographic-racenot required0int N/A
A_RCOWLabor Force-class of worker recodenot required0int N/A
A_RECTYPDemographic-record typenot required0int N/A
A_REORGNDemographic-originnot required0int N/A
A_RRPDemographic-relationship to reference personnot required0int N/A
A_SEXDemographic-sexnot required0int N/A
A_SPOUSEDemographic-line numbernot required0int N/A
A_UNCOVEarnings-union/employee association contract coveringnot required0int N/A
A_UNMEMEarnings-labor union membership or similar associationnot required0int N/A
A_UNTYPELabor Force-reasonnot required0int N/A
A_USLFTLabor Force-hours usually worked/weeknot required0int N/A
A_USLHRSEarnings-hrs/week workednot required0int N/A
A_VETDemographic-veteran statusnot required0int N/A
A_VETWGTWeight-veteran's weightnot required0int N/A
A_WANTJBLabor Force-want regular jobnot required0int N/A
A_WERNTFEarnings-weekly earnings top code flagnot required0int N/A
A_WERNTPEarnings-weekly earnings top codenot required0int N/A
A_WHENLJLabor Force-last work full-time job lasting 2+ weeksnot required0int N/A
A_WHYABSLabor Force-reason for absencenot required0int N/A
A_WHYLFTLabor Force-reason for leavingnot required0int N/A
A_WHYLKLabor Force-reasons why looking for worknot required0int N/A
A_WHYNALabor Force-why notnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL1Labor Force-no work availablenot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL2Labor Force-couldn't find worknot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL3Labor Force-lacks schoolingnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL4Labor Force-agenot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL5Labor Force-personal handicapnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL6Labor Force-child carenot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL7Labor Force-family responsibilitiesnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL8Labor Force-school/trainingnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNL9Labor Force-ill healthnot required0int N/A
A_WHYNLALabor Force-othernot required0int N/A
A_WHYNLBLabor Force-don't knownot required0int N/A
A_WKSCHLabor Force-time worked/lostnot required0int N/A
A_WKSLKLabor Force-# weeks looking for work, laid offnot required0int N/A
A_WKSTATLabor Force-full/part-time statusnot required0int N/A
AXAGEDemographic-age (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXANYWKLabor Force-work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXAVAILLabor Force-available job (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXCLSWKRIndus.&Occ.-class of worker (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXENRCHKSchool Enrollment-interviewer check (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXENRLWSchool Enrollment-enrolled/attend a school(allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXFTABSLabor Force-hours worked/week (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXFTPTSchool Enrollment-f/t or p/t student (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXFTREASLabor Force-hours usually worked/week (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXGRSWKEarnings-weekly earnings (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHGADemographic-highest deg., grade completed (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHGCAllocation Flag for A_HGCnot required0int N/A
AXHRLYWKEarnings-hourly wage (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHRSLabor Force-total hours worked (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHRSCHKLabor Force-interviewer check (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHRSPAYEarnings-hourly earnings (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXHSCOLSchool Enrollment-institution (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXINDIndus.&Occ.-industry (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXINTENDLabor Force-intend to look for work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXJOBABSLabor Force-absence from job (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXLFSRLabor Force-labor force status recode (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXLINENODemographic-line number (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXLKFTPTLabor Force-full-time/part-time (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXLKWKLabor Force-looking for work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXLOSTIMLabor Force-lost time, time off from work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXMAJACTLabor Force-activities last week (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXMARITLDemographic-marital status (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXMTHDLabor Force-attempts to look for work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXNLFLJLabor Force-work for pay (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXOCCIndus.&Occ.-occupation (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXORIGINDemographic-origin (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXOVRTIMLabor Force-overtime worked (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXPARENTDemographic-parent's line number (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXPAYABSLabor Force-paid absences (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXRACEDemographic-race (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXRRPDemographic-relationship to ref person (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXSEXDemographic-sex (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXSPOUSEDemographic-spouse's line number (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXUNCOVEarnings-union/employee assoc. contract (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXUNMEMEarnings-labor union membership (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXUSLFTLabor Force-hours usually worked/week (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXUSLHRSEarnings-hours/week worked (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXVETDemographic-veteran status (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWANTJBLabor Force-want regular job (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHENLJLabor Force-last work f/t job 2+ weeks (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHYABSLabor Force-reason for absence (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHYLFTLabor Force-reason for leaving (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHYLKLabor Force-reasons why looking for work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHYNALabor Force-why not (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWHYNLLabor Force-reasons not looking for work (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
AXWKSLKLabor Force-number of weeks laid off (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
H_ARACEHousehold-Race for Type A noninterviewsnot required0int N/A
H_AREASNHousehold-reasonnot required0int N/A
H_CPSCHKHousehold-interviewer check itemnot required0int N/A
H_DAYCMPHousehold-day interview completenot required0int N/A
H_FAMINCHousehold-family incomenot required0int N/A
H_FARMHousehold-farm/nonfarmnot required0int N/A
H_HHNUMHousehold-household numbernot required0int N/A
H_HHTYPEHousehold-type of householdnot required0int N/A
H_HHWGTHousehold-household weightnot required0int N/A
H_IDHousehold-unique household identifiernot required0string N/A
H_INDVCCGeography-individual central city identifiernot required0int N/A
H_INTRV1Household-interviewer codenot required0int N/A
H_INTRV2Household-interviewer codenot required0int N/A
H_INTRV3Household-interviewer codenot required0int N/A
H_LIVQRTHousehold-living quartersnot required0int N/A
H_METSTAGeography-metropolitan/non-metropolitannot required0int N/A
H_MISHousehold-month in samplenot required0int N/A
H_MONTHHousehold-month of surveynot required0int N/A
H_MSTINDHousehold-master segment tape indexnot required0int N/A
H_NUMFAMHousehold-number of familiesnot required0int N/A
H_NUMPERHousehold-number of personsnot required0int N/A
H_OCCINTHousehold-unit occupancynot required0int N/A
H_PRSCNTHousehold-number of contactsnot required0int N/A
H_RESPNMHousehold-line no. hhld resp.not required0int N/A
H_SEASONHousehold-seasonal statusnot required0int N/A
H_STATUSHousehold-status changenot required0int N/A
H_TELAVLHousehold-telephone availablenot required0int N/A
H_TELCNTHousehold-number of contactsnot required0int N/A
H_TELHHDHousehold-telephone in householdnot required0int N/A
H_TELINTHousehold-telephone interview acceptablenot required0int N/A
H_TENUREHousehold-tenurenot required0int N/A
H_TIMINTHousehold-time of interviewnot required0int N/A
H_TYPEHousehold-household typenot required0int N/A
H_TYPEBCHousehold-type B/Cnot required0int N/A
H_TYPERPHousehold-type of reference personnot required0int N/A
H_TYPINTHousehold-type interviewnot required0int N/A
H_YEARHousehold-year of survey, last digitnot required0int N/A
HG_CMSAGeography-CMSA codenot required0int N/A
HG_FIPSGeography-FIPS state codenot required0(not a predicate) N/A
HG_MSACGeography-FIPS codenot required0int N/A
HG_MSARGeography-ranknot required0int N/A
HG_MSASGeography-MSA statusnot required0int N/A
HG_MSSZGeography-MSA sizenot required0int N/A
HG_PMSAGeography-PMSA ranknot required0int N/A
HG_REGGeography-regionnot required0int N/A
HXARACEHousehold-race (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXAREASNHousehold-reason (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXCPSCHKHousehold-interviewer check item (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXDAYCMPHousehold-day interview complete (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXFAMINCHousehold-family income (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXHHNUMHousehold-household number (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXLIVQRTHousehold-living quarters (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXOCCINTHousehold-unit occupancy (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXPRSCNTHousehold-number of contacts (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXRESPNMHousehold-line no. hhld resp. (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXSEASONHousehold-seasonal status (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXSTATUSHousehold-status change, replacement (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTELAVLHousehold-telephone available (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTELCNTHousehold-number of contacts (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTELHHDHousehold-telephone in household (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTELINTHousehold-telephone interview acceptable (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTENUREHousehold-tenure (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTIMINTHousehold-time of interview (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
HXTYPEBCHousehold-type b/c (allocation flag)not required0int N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A