Census Data API: Variables in /data/1996/sipp/topical/1996panel/wave5/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
1985 variables
A01AMTAGI: Allocation flag for T01AMTAnot required0int N/A
A01AMTKGI: Allocation flag for T01AMTKnot required0int N/A
A02AMTGI: Allocation flag for T02AMTnot required0int N/A
A03AMTAGI: Allocation flag for T03AMTAnot required0int N/A
A03AMTKGI: Allocation flag for T03AMTKnot required0int N/A
A04AMTGI: Allocation flag for T04AMTnot required0int N/A
A05AMTGI: Allocation flag for T05AMTnot required0int N/A
A07AMTGI: Allocation flag for T07AMTnot required0int N/A
A08AMTGI: Allocation flag for T08AMTnot required0int N/A
A09AMTGI: Allocation flag for T09AMTnot required0int N/A
A10AMTGI: Allocation flag for T10AMTnot required0int N/A
A12AMTGI: Allocation flag for T12AMTnot required0int N/A
A13AMTGI: Allocation flag for T13AMTnot required0int N/A
A14AMTGI: Allocation flag for T14AMTnot required0int N/A
A15AMTGI: Allocation flag for T15AMTnot required0int N/A
A20AMTGI: Allocation flag for T20AMTnot required0int N/A
A21AMTGI: Allocation flag for T21AMTnot required0int N/A
A23AMTGI: Allocation flag for T23AMTnot required0int N/A
A24AMTGI: Allocation flag for T24AMTnot required0int N/A
A25AMTGI: Allocation flag for T25AMTnot required0int N/A
A26AMTGI: Allocation flag for T26AMTnot required0int N/A
A27AMTGI: Allocation flag for T27AMTnot required0int N/A
A28AMTGI: Allocation flag for T28AMTnot required0int N/A
A29AMTGI: Allocation flag for T29AMTnot required0int N/A
A30AMTGI: Allocation flag for T30AMTnot required0int N/A
A31AMTGI: Allocation flag for T31AMTnot required0int N/A
A32AMTGI: Allocation flag for T32AMTnot required0int N/A
A34AMTGI: Allocation flag for T34AMTnot required0int N/A
A35AMTGI: Allocation flag for T35AMTnot required0int N/A
A36AMTGI: Allocation flag for T36AMTnot required0int N/A
A37AMTGI: Allocation flag for T37AMTnot required0int N/A
A38AMTGI: Allocation flag for T38AMTnot required0int N/A
A39AMTGI: Allocation flag for T39AMTnot required0int N/A
A42AMTGI: Allocation flag for T42AMTnot required0int N/A
A50AMTGI: Allocation flag for T50AMTnot required0int N/A
A51AMTGI: Allocation flag for T51AMTnot required0int N/A
A52AMTGI: Allocation flag for T52AMTnot required0int N/A
A53AMTGI: Allocation flag for T53AMTnot required0int N/A
A55AMTGI: Allocation flag for T55AMTnot required0int N/A
A56AMTGI: Allocation flag for T56AMTnot required0int N/A
A75AMTGI: Allocation flag for T75AMTnot required0int N/A
AABRELF: Allocation flag for EABREnot required0int N/A
AACCESSHH: Allocation flag for EACCESSnot required0int N/A
AACTREC1CS: Allocation flag for TACTREC1not required0int N/A
AACTREC2CS: Allocation flag for TACTREC2not required0int N/A
AACTREC3CS: Allocation flag for TACTREC3not required0int N/A
AACTREC4CS: Allocation flag for TACTREC4not required0int N/A
AAFEVERAF: Allocation flag for EAFEVERnot required0int N/A
AAFNOWAF: Allocation flag for EAFNOWnot required0int N/A
AAFSRVDIAF: Allocation flag for EAFSRVDInot required0int N/A
AAGEPE: Allocation flag for TAGEnot required0int N/A
AALIYNGI: Allocation flag for EALIYNnot required0int N/A
AALZADQ: Allocation flag for EALZnot required0int N/A
AAMTAG11CS: Allocation flag for TAMTAG11 AND EAMTAG12not required0int N/A
AAMTAG21CS: Allocation flag for TAMTAG21 AND EAMTAG22not required0int N/A
AAMTAG31CS: Allocation flag for TAMTAG31 AND EAMTAG32not required0int N/A
AAMTASSTSE: Allocation flag for RAMTASSTnot required0int N/A
AAMTBAC1CS: Allocation flag for EAMTBAC1not required0int N/A
AAMTBAC2CS: Allocation flag for EAMTBAC2not required0int N/A
AAMTCG11CS: Allocation flag for TAMTCG11 AND EAMTCG12not required0int N/A
AAMTCG21CS: Allocation flag for TAMTCG21 AND EAMTCG22not required0int N/A
AAMTLONGHB: Allocation flag for TAMTLONGnot required0int N/A
AAMTPLANHB: Allocation flag for TAMTPLANnot required0int N/A
AAMTSUP1CS: Allocation flag for TAMTSUP1not required0int N/A
AAMTSUP2CS: Allocation flag for TAMTSUP2not required0int N/A
AAMTTM11CS: Allocation flag for EAMTTM11-EAMTTM13not required0int N/A
AAMTTM21CS: Allocation flag for EAMTTM21-EAMTTM23not required0int N/A
AAMTTM41CS: Allocation flag for EAMTTM41-EAMTTM43not required0int N/A
AAMTTM51CS: Allocation flag for EAMTTM51-EAMTTM53not required0int N/A
AANXIOUSADQ: Allocation flag for EANXIOUSnot required0int N/A
AAPPLYSSADQ: Allocation flag for EAPPLYSSnot required0int N/A
AARMLEGCDQ: Allocation flag for EARMLEGnot required0int N/A
AASETDRWGI: Allocation flag for EASETDRWnot required0int N/A
AAST1AAS: Allocation flag for EAST1Anot required0int N/A
AAST1BAS: Allocation flag for EAST1Bnot required0int N/A
AAST1CAS: Allocation flag for EAST1Cnot required0int N/A
AAST2AAS: Allocation flag for EAST2Anot required0int N/A
AAST2BAS: Allocation flag for EAST2Bnot required0int N/A
AAST2CAS: Allocation flag for EAST2Cnot required0int N/A
AAST2DAS: Allocation flag for EAST2Dnot required0int N/A
AAST3AAS: Allocation flag for EAST3Anot required0int N/A
AAST3BAS: Allocation flag for EAST3Bnot required0int N/A
AAST3CAS: Allocation flag for EAST3Cnot required0int N/A
AAST3DAS: Allocation flag for EAST3Dnot required0int N/A
AAST3EAS: Allocation flag for EAST3Enot required0int N/A
AAST4AAS: Allocation flag for EAST4Anot required0int N/A
AAST4BAS: Allocation flag for EAST4Bnot required0int N/A
AAST4CAS: Allocation flag for EAST4Cnot required0int N/A
AAWOPLF: Allocation flag for EAWOPnot required0int N/A
ABATHDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EBATHDIFnot required0int N/A
ABATHHADQ: Allocation flag for EBATHHnot required0int N/A
ABDJTAS: Allocation flag for EBDJT.not required0int N/A
ABDJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TBDJTINTnot required0int N/A
ABDOASTAS: Allocation flag for EBDOASTnot required0int N/A
ABDOINTAS: Allocation flag for TBDOINTnot required0int N/A
ABEDDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EBEDDIFnot required0int N/A
ABEDHELPADQ: Allocation flag for EBEDHELPnot required0int N/A
ABIZNOW1BS: Allocation flag for EBIZNOW1not required0int N/A
ABIZNOW2BS: Allocation flag for EBIZNOW2not required0int N/A
ABKFSYNPE: Allocation flag for EBKFSYNnot required0int N/A
ABLKLRSNGI: Allocation flag for RBLKLRSNnot required0int N/A
ABMNTHPE: Allocation flag for EBMNTHnot required0int N/A
ABMSUM1BS: Allocation flag for TBMSUM1not required0int N/A
ABMSUM2BS: Allocation flag for TBMSUM2not required0int N/A
ABOOKDOCHB: Allocation flag for EBOOKDOCnot required0int N/A
ABRKFSTHH: Allocation flag for EBRKFSTnot required0int N/A
ABSIND1BS: Allocation flag for TBSIND1not required0int N/A
ABSIND2BS: Allocation flag for TBSIND2not required0int N/A
ABSOCC1BS: Allocation flag for TBSOCC1not required0int N/A
ABSOCC2BS: Allocation flag for TBSOCC2not required0int N/A
ABYEARPE: Allocation flag for TBYEARnot required0int N/A
ACANEADQ: Allocation flag for ECANEnot required0int N/A
ACANE6ADQ: Allocation flag for ECANE6not required0int N/A
ACANT10ADQ: Allocation flag for ECANT10not required0int N/A
ACANT25ADQ: Allocation flag for ECANT25not required0int N/A
ACDJTAS: Allocation flag for ECDJTnot required0int N/A
ACDJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TCDJTINTnot required0int N/A
ACDMTHHI: Allocation flag for ECDMTHnot required0int N/A
ACDOASTAS: Allocation flag for ECDOAST.not required0int N/A
ACDOINTAS: Allocation flag for TCDOINTnot required0int N/A
ACHCOV01HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV01not required0int N/A
ACHCOV02HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV02not required0int N/A
ACHCOV03HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV03not required0int N/A
ACHCOV04HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV04not required0int N/A
ACHCOV05HB24: Allocation flag for ECHCOV05not required0int N/A
ACHCOV06HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV06not required0int N/A
ACHCOV07HB: Allocation flag for ECHCOV07not required0int N/A
ACHOICE1HB: Allocation flag for ECHOICE1not required0int N/A
ACHOICE2HB: Allocation flag for ECHOICE2not required0int N/A
ACKJTAS: Allocation flag for ECKJTnot required0int N/A
ACKJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TCKJTINT.not required0int N/A
ACKOASTAS: Allocation flag for ECKOASTnot required0int N/A
ACKOINTAS: Allocation flag for TCKOINT.not required0int N/A
ACLWRK1JB: Allocation flag for ECLWRK1not required0int N/A
ACLWRK2JB: Allocation flag for ECLWRK2not required0int N/A
ACNTRC1JB: Allocation flag for ECNTRC1not required0int N/A
ACNTRC2JB: Allocation flag for ECNTRC2.not required0int N/A
ACOND1ADQ: Allocation flag for ECOND1not required0int N/A
ACONDNOTHB: Allocation flag for ECONDNOTnot required0int N/A
ACONDPH1ADQ: Allocation flag for ECONDPH1not required0int N/A
ACONDW1ADQ: Allocation flag for ECONDW1not required0int N/A
ACONLEFTHB: Allocation flag for ECONLEFTnot required0int N/A
ACONTRETHB: Allocation flag for ECONTRETnot required0int N/A
ACOPEADQ: Allocation flag for ECOPEnot required0int N/A
ACOVLONGHB: Allocation flag for ECOVLONGnot required0int N/A
ACOVMEMBHB: Allocation flag for ECOVMEMBnot required0int N/A
ACOVUNIOHB: Allocation flag for ECOVUNIOnot required0int N/A
ACRMTHHI: Allocation flag for ECRMTHnot required0int N/A
ACSAGREEGI: Allocation flag for ECSAGREEnot required0int N/A
ACSAGYGI: Allocation flag for TCSAGYnot required0int N/A
ACSFLGCS: Allocation flag for ECSFLG01-10not required0int N/A
ACSTRMBSE: Allocation flag for TCSTRMBnot required0int N/A
ACSTTRANSE: Allocation flag for TCSTTRANnot required0int N/A
ACSYNGI: Allocation flag for ECSYNnot required0int N/A
ACTRATEADQ: Allocation flag for ECTRATEnot required0int N/A
ACUSTAG1CS: Allocation flag for ECUSTAG1not required0int N/A
ACUSTAG2CS: Allocation flag for ECUSTAG2not required0int N/A
ADDELAYCDQ: Allocation flag for EDDELAYnot required0int N/A
ADEGREESE: Allocation flag for RDEGREEnot required0int N/A
ADENCOVEHB: Allocation flag for EDENCOVEnot required0int N/A
ADEVDISADQ: Allocation flag for EDEVDISnot required0int N/A
ADID101CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT101-EDCRT110,not required0int N/A
ADID201CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT201-EDCRT210,not required0int N/A
ADID301CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT301-EDCRT310,not required0int N/A
ADID401CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT401,EDTES401,EDCER401...not required0int N/A
ADID402CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT402,EDTES402,EDCER402...not required0int N/A
ADID403CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT403,EDTES403,EDCER403...not required0int N/A
ADID404CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT404,EDTES404,EDCER404...not required0int N/A
ADID405CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT405,EDTES405,EDCER405...not required0int N/A
ADID406CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT406,EDTES406,EDCER406...not required0int N/A
ADID407CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT407,EDTES407,EDCER407...not required0int N/A
ADID408CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT408,EDTES408,EDCER408...not required0int N/A
ADID409CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT401,EDTES401,EDCER401...not required0int N/A
ADID410CS: Allocation flag for EDCRT410,EDTES410,EDCER410...not required0int N/A
ADIF10ADQ: Allocation flag for EDIF10not required0int N/A
ADIF25ADQ: Allocation flag for EDIF25not required0int N/A
ADISABLLF: Allocation flag for EDISABLnot required0int N/A
ADISPREVLF: Allocation flag for EDISPREVnot required0int N/A
ADMAR1CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR1not required0int N/A
ADMAR201CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR201not required0int N/A
ADMAR202CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR202not required0int N/A
ADMAR203CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR203not required0int N/A
ADMAR204CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR204not required0int N/A
ADMAR205CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR205not required0int N/A
ADMAR206CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR206not required0int N/A
ADMAR207CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR207not required0int N/A
ADMAR208CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR208not required0int N/A
ADMAR209CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR209not required0int N/A
ADMAR210CS: Allocation flag for EDMAR210not required0int N/A
ADPNTAXSE: Allocation flag for EDPNTAXnot required0int N/A
ADRESSDADQ: Allocation flag for EDRESSDnot required0int N/A
ADRESSHADQ: Allocation flag for EDRESSHnot required0int N/A
ADUEBAC1CS: Allocation flag for EDUEBAC1not required0int N/A
ADUEBAC2CS: Allocation flag for EDUEBAC2not required0int N/A
AEATDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EEATDIFnot required0int N/A
AEATHELPADQ: Allocation flag for EEATHELPnot required0int N/A
AEBDATE1BS: Allocation flag for TEBDATE1not required0int N/A
AEBDATE2BS: Allocation flag for TEBDATE2not required0int N/A
AEDAIDSE: Allocation flag for REDAID01- REDAID11not required0int N/A
AEDASSTED: Allocation flag for EASST01-EASST11not required0int N/A
AEDFUNDED: Allocation flag for EEDFUNDnot required0int N/A
AEDUCATEED: Allocation flag for EEDUCATEnot required0int N/A
AEGYAMTHH: Allocation flag for EEGYAMTnot required0int N/A
AEGYASTHH: Allocation Flag for EEGYASTnot required0int N/A
AEGYPMTHH: Allocation flag for EEGYPMT1-EEGYPMT3not required0int N/A
AEJDATE1JB: Allocation flag for TEJDATE1not required0int N/A
AEJDATE2JB: Allocation flag for TEJDATE2not required0int N/A
AEMPALL1JB: Allocation flag for EEMPALL1not required0int N/A
AEMPALL2JB: Allocation flag for EEMPALL2not required0int N/A
AEMPB1BS: Allocation flag for EEMPB1not required0int N/A
AEMPB2BS: Allocation flag for EEMPB2not required0int N/A
AEMPCOSTHB: Allocation flag for EEMPCOSTnot required0int N/A
AEMPDRSNGI: Allocation flag for REMPDRSNnot required0int N/A
AEMPGRDSE: Allocation flag for EEMPGRDnot required0int N/A
AEMPLJOBHB: Allocation flag for EEMPLJOBnot required0int N/A
AEMPLOC1JB: Allocation flag for EEMPLOC1not required0int N/A
AEMPLOC2JB: Allocation flag for EEMPLOC2not required0int N/A
AEMPLOCAHB: Allocation flag for REMPLOCAnot required0int N/A
AEMPMATEHB: Allocation flag for EEMPMATEnot required0int N/A
AEMPOBLGSE: Allocation flag for EEMPOBLGnot required0int N/A
AEMPRELTSE: Allocation flag for EEMPRELTnot required0int N/A
AEMPREQSE: Allocation flag for EEMPREQnot required0int N/A
AEMPSIZ1JB: Allocation flag for EEMPSIZ1not required0int N/A
AEMPSIZ2JB: Allocation flag for EEMPSIZ1not required0int N/A
AEMPTIMESE: Allocation flag for EEMPTIMEnot required0int N/A
AEMPTYPEHB: Allocation flag for EEMPTYPEnot required0int N/A
AENDSALAHB: Allocation flag for TENDSALAnot required0int N/A
AENLEVELED: Allocation flag for EENLEVELnot required0int N/A
AENRLMED: Allocation flag for EENRLMnot required0int N/A
AENROLDSE: Allocation flag for RENROLDnot required0int N/A
AESTARSNGI: Allocation flag for RESTARSNnot required0int N/A
AEVERETLF: Allocation flag for EEVERETnot required0int N/A
AEVRCHG1CS: Allocation flag for EEVRCHG1not required0int N/A
AEVRCHG2CS: Allocation flag for EEVRCHG2not required0int N/A
AEXMEDICHB: Allocation flag for EEXMEDICnot required0int N/A
AFCCYNGI: Allocation flag for EFCCYNnot required0int N/A
AFCSRSNGI: Allocation flag for RFCSRSNnot required0int N/A
AFEWER20HB: Allocation flag for EFEWER20not required0int N/A
AFIELDSE: Allocation flag for EFIELDnot required0int N/A
AFIRSYR1CS: Allocation flag for EFIRSYR1not required0int N/A
AFIRSYR2CS: Allocation flag for EFIRSYR2not required0int N/A
AFLPTIMESE: Allocation flag for RFLPTIMEnot required0int N/A
AFORMEMPHB: Allocation flag for EFORMEMPnot required0int N/A
AFREEBRKHH: Allocation flag for EFREEBRKnot required0int N/A
AFREELUNHH: Allocation flag for EFREELUNnot required0int N/A
AFRERDBKHH: Allocation flag for EFRERDBKnot required0int N/A
AFRERDLNHH: Allocation flag for EFRERDLNnot required0int N/A
AFRQPAY1CS: Allocation flag for EFRQPAY1not required0int N/A
AFRQPAY2CS: Allocation flag for EFRQPAY2not required0int N/A
AFSYNGI: Allocation flag for EFSYNnot required0int N/A
AFULLCSTSE: Allocation flag for RFULLCSTnot required0int N/A
AGEDPREPWR: Allocation flags for EGEDPREPnot required0int N/A
AGOVRNMTHB: Allocation flag for EGOVRNMTnot required0int N/A
AGRASPCADQ: Allocation flag for EGRASPCnot required0int N/A
AGRASPDADQ: Allocation flag for EGRASPDnot required0int N/A
AGRLEVELSE: Allocation flag for EGRLEVELnot required0int N/A
AGROSB1BS: Allocation flag for EGROSB1not required0int N/A
AGROSB2BS: Allocation flag for EGROSB2not required0int N/A
AGRSSB1BS: Allocation flag for EGRSSB1not required0int N/A
AGRSSB2BS: Allocation flag for EGRSSB2not required0int N/A
AGVJTAS: Allocation flag for EGVJTnot required0int N/A
AGVJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TGVJTINTnot required0int N/A
AGVOASTAS: Allocation flag for EGVOASTnot required0int N/A
AGVOINTAS: Allocation flag for TGVOINTnot required0int N/A
AGVTRNTHH: Allocation flag for EGVTRNTnot required0int N/A
AHASHMOHB: Allocation flag for EHASHMOnot required0int N/A
AHEALPLAHB: Allocation flag for EHEALPLAnot required0int N/A
AHEARAIDADQ: Allocation flag for EHEARAIDnot required0int N/A
AHEARDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EHEARDIFnot required0int N/A
AHEARNOTADQ: Allocation flag for EHEARNOTnot required0int N/A
AHELPER1ADQ: Allocation flag for EHELPER1not required0int N/A
AHELPER2ADQ: Allocation flag for EHELPER2not required0int N/A
AHELPSYNCS: Allocation flag for EHELPSYNnot required0int N/A
AHEMPLYHI: Allocation flag for EHEMPLYnot required0int N/A
AHHMEMB1ADQ: Allocation flag for EHHMEMB1not required0int N/A
AHHMEMB2ADQ: Allocation flag for EHHMEMB2not required0int N/A
AHICOSTHI: Allocation flag for EHICOSTnot required0int N/A
AHIMTHHI: Allocation flag for EHIMTHnot required0int N/A
AHIOLDKDHI: Allocation flag for EHIOLDKDnot required0int N/A
AHIOTHERHI: Allocation flag for EHIOTHERnot required0int N/A
AHIOTHRHI: Allocation flag for EHIOTHRnot required0int N/A
AHIOWNERHI: Allocation flag for EHIOWNERnot required0int N/A
AHIRSNHI: Allocation for variables EHIRSN01 through EHIRSN12not required0int N/A
AHISPSEHI: Allocation flag for EHISPSEnot required0int N/A
AHIYNGKDHI: Allocation flag for EHIYNGKDnot required0int N/A
AHLTAG21CS: Allocation flag for EHTHAG21-EHTHAG26not required0int N/A
AHOTLUNCHH: Allocation flag for EHOTLUNCnot required0int N/A
AHOWLONGADQ: Allocation flag for EHOWLONGnot required0int N/A
AHOWREC1CS: Allocation flag for EHOWREC1not required0int N/A
AHPRTB1BS: Allocation flag for EHPRTB1not required0int N/A
AHPRTB2BS: Allocation flag for EHPRTB2not required0int N/A
AHRSBS1BS: Allocation flag for EHRSBS1not required0int N/A
AHRSBS2BS: Allocation flag for EHRSBS2not required0int N/A
AHSTATADQ: Allocation flag for EHSTATnot required0int N/A
AHTHAG11CS: Allocation flag for EHTHAG11-EHTHAG16not required0int N/A
AHTLNYNPE: Allocation flag for EHTLNYNnot required0int N/A
AHWJBSRHWR: Allocation flag for EHWJBSRHnot required0int N/A
AHWORKDADQ: Allocation flag for EHWORKDnot required0int N/A
AHWORKHADQ: Allocation flag for EHWORKHnot required0int N/A
AHWRKDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EHWRKDIFnot required0int N/A
AHWRKNOADQ: Allocation for EHWRKNOnot required0int N/A
AINCPB1BS: Allocation flag for EINCPB1not required0int N/A
AINCPB2BS: Allocation flag for EINCPB2not required0int N/A
AINDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EINDIFnot required0int N/A
AINHELPADQ: Allocation flag for EINHELPnot required0int N/A
AINSRSNGI: Allocation flag for RINSRSNnot required0int N/A
AINTRFERADQ: Allocation flag for EINTRFERnot required0int N/A
AIOSTATESE: Allocation flag for RIOSTATEnot required0int N/A
AIPEDSSE: Allocation flag for IPEDS subroutinenot required0int N/A
AJACLRAS: Allocation flag for TJACLRnot required0int N/A
AJACLR2AS: Allocation flag for TJACLR2not required0int N/A
AJARNTAS: Allocation flag for TJARNTnot required0int N/A
AJBHRS1JB: Allocation flag for EJBHRS1not required0int N/A
AJBHRS2JB: Allocation flag for EJBHRS2.not required0int N/A
AJBIND1JB: Allocation flag for EJBIND1not required0int N/A
AJBIND2JB: Allocation flag for EJBIND2.not required0int N/A
AJBOCC1JB: Allocation flag for TJBOCC1not required0int N/A
AJBOCC2JB: Allocation flag for TJBOCC2.not required0int N/A
AJBSKLTNWR: Allocation flags or EJBSKLTNnot required0int N/A
AJBSRHWR: Allocation flag for EJBSRHnot required0int N/A
AJNTRNTAS: Allocation flag for EJNTRNTnot required0int N/A
AJNTSSYNGI: Allocation flag for EJNTSSYNnot required0int N/A
AJOBCANTADQ: Allocation flag for EJOBCANTnot required0int N/A
AJOBDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EJOBDIFnot required0int N/A
AJRNT2AS: Allocation flag for EJRNT2not required0int N/A
AKCOND1CDQ: Allocation flag for EKCOND1not required0int N/A
ALAST12MADQ: Allocation flag for ELAST12Mnot required0int N/A
ALASTASKCS: Allocation flag for ELASTASKnot required0int N/A
ALASTCOVHB: Allocation flag for ELASTCOVnot required0int N/A
ALAYOFFLF: Allocation flag for ELAYOFFnot required0int N/A
ALDISADQ: Allocation flag for ELDISnot required0int N/A
ALEFTJOBHB: Allocation flag for TLEFTJOBnot required0int N/A
ALEFTPLAHB: Allocation flag for ELEFTPLAnot required0int N/A
ALERNDISCDQ: Allocation flag for ELERNDISnot required0int N/A
ALGOVRSNGI: Allocation flag for RLGOVRSNnot required0int N/A
ALIFIRSNGI: Allocation flag for RLIFIRSNnot required0int N/A
ALIVQRTHH: Allocation flag for ELIVQRTnot required0int N/A
ALKWRKLF: Allocation flag for ELKWRK.not required0int N/A
ALMPTYP1GI: Allocation flag for ELMPTYP1not required0int N/A
ALMPTYP2GI: Allocation flag for ELMPTYP2not required0int N/A
ALMPTYP3GI: Allocation flag for ALMPTYP3not required0int N/A
ALOANSGNSE: Allocation flag for ELOANSGNnot required0int N/A
ALWPARSE: Allocation flag for RLWPARnot required0int N/A
AMAINADQ: Allocation flag for EMAINnot required0int N/A
AMAIN2ADQ: Allocation flag for EMAIN2not required0int N/A
AMANYCHKAS: Allocation flag for EMANYCHKnot required0int N/A
AMATCOMPHB: Allocation flag for EMATCOMPnot required0int N/A
AMDJTAS: Allocation flag for EMDJTnot required0int N/A
AMDJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TMDJTINTnot required0int N/A
AMDOASTAS: Allocation flag for EMDOASTnot required0int N/A
AMDOINTAS: Allocation flag for TMDOINTnot required0int N/A
AMEALSDADQ: Allocation flag for EMEALSDnot required0int N/A
AMEALSHADQ: Allocation flag for EMEALSHnot required0int N/A
AMEDDADQ: Allocation flag for EMEDDnot required0int N/A
AMEDHADQ: Allocation flag for EMEDHnot required0int N/A
AMIJNTAS: Allocation flag for TMIJNTnot required0int N/A
AMILRSNGI: Allocation flag for RMILRSNnot required0int N/A
AMIOWNAS: Allocation flag for TMIOWNnot required0int N/A
AMJADIVAS: Allocation flag for TMJADIVnot required0int N/A
AMJNTDIVAS: Allocation flag for TMJNTDIVnot required0int N/A
AMLMSUMLF: Allocation flag for TMLMSUMnot required0int N/A
AMNTHEMPHB: Allocation flag for EMNTHEMPnot required0int N/A
AMONEYDADQ: Allocation flag for EMONEYDnot required0int N/A
AMONEYHADQ: Allocation flag for EMONEYHnot required0int N/A
AMONTH1ADQ: Allocation flag for EMONTH1not required0int N/A
AMOONLITLF: Allocation flag for EMOONLIT.not required0int N/A
AMOTHDIVAS: Allocation flag for EMOTHDIVnot required0int N/A
AMOTORVADQ: Allocation flag for EMOTORVnot required0int N/A
AMOWNADVAS: Allocation flag for TMOWNADVnot required0int N/A
AMOWNDIVAS: Allocation flag for TMOWNDIVnot required0int N/A
AMRADQ: Allocation flag for EMRnot required0int N/A
AMRTJNTAS: Allocation flag for EMRTJNTnot required0int N/A
AMRTOWNAS: Allocation flag for EMRTOWNnot required0int N/A
AMSPE: Allocation flag for EMSnot required0int N/A
AMTHRNTHH: Allocation flag for TMTHRNTnot required0int N/A
ANOCOVHB: Allocation flag for ENOCOV1-ENOCOV10not required0int N/A
ANOELIGHB: Allocation flag for ENOELIG1 through ENOELIG4not required0int N/A
ANOTPLANHB: Allocation flag for ENOTPLANnot required0int N/A
ANUMAGRCS: Allocation flag for TNUMAGRnot required0int N/A
AOACLRAS: Allocation flag for TOACLRnot required0int N/A
AOARNTAS: Allocation flag for TOARNTnot required0int N/A
AOFFEMPHB: Allocation flag for EOFFEMP1-EOFFEMP5not required0int N/A
AOFFLONGHB: Allocation flag for EOFFLONGnot required0int N/A
AOINCB1BS: Allocation flag for EOINCB1not required0int N/A
AOINCB2BS: Allocation flag for EOINC2not required0int N/A
AOPPCHHB: Allocation flag for EOPPCH1-EOPPCH5not required0int N/A
AOPTIONSHB: Allocation flag for EOPTIONSnot required0int N/A
AORIGINPE: Allocation flag for EORIGINnot required0int N/A
AOTHCOSTSE: Allocation flag for TOTHCOSTnot required0int N/A
AOTHERDCCDQ: Allocation flag for EOTHERDCnot required0int N/A
AOTHERMADQ: Allocation flag for EOTHERMnot required0int N/A
AOTHITEMCS: Allocation flag for EOTHITEMnot required0int N/A
AOTHRRSNGI: Allocation flag for ROTHRRSNnot required0int N/A
AOUTDIFADQ: Allocation flag for EOUTDIFnot required0int N/A
AOUTHELPADQ: Allocation flag for EOUTHELPnot required0int N/A
AOWNRNTAS: Allocation flag for EOWNRNTnot required0int N/A
APAIDJOBHB: Allocation flag for EPAIDJOBnot required0int N/A
APATYNGI: Allocation flag for EPATYNnot required0int N/A
APATYP1GI: Allocation flag for EPATYP1not required0int N/A
APATYP2GI: Allocation flag for EPATYP2not required0int N/A
APATYP3GI: Allocation flag for EPATYP3not required0int N/A
APATYP4GI: Allocation flag for EPATYP4not required0int N/A
APAYAMTADQ: Allocation flag for PAYAMTnot required0int N/A
APAYDUE1CS: Allocation flag for EPAYDUE1not required0int N/A
APAYDUE2CS: Allocation flag for EPAYDUE2not required0int N/A
APAYHELPADQ: Allocation flag for EPAYHELPnot required0int N/A
APAYHR1JB: Allocation flag for EPAYHR1not required0int N/A
APAYHR2JB: Allocation flag for EPAYHR2.not required0int N/A
APAYRECVCS: Allocation flag for EPAYRECVnot required0int N/A
APDJBTHNLF: Allocation flag for EPDJBTHNnot required0int N/A
APDTIMCLSE: Allocation flag for EPDTIMCLnot required0int N/A
APENSRSNGI: Allocation flag for RPENSRSNnot required0int N/A
APLANMEDHB: Allocation flag for EPLANMEDnot required0int N/A
APMSUM1JB: Allocation flag for TPMSUM1not required0int N/A
APMSUM2JB: Allocation flag for TPMSUM2.not required0int N/A
APNDADPE: Allocation flag for EPNDADnot required0int N/A
APNGUARDPE: Allocation flag for EPNGUARDnot required0int N/A
APNMOMPE: Allocation flag for EPNMOMnot required0int N/A
APNSPOUSPE: Allocation flag for EPNSPOUSnot required0int N/A
APOSTMEDHB: Allocation flag for EPOSTMEDnot required0int N/A
APREMINCHB: Allocation flag for EPREMINCnot required0int N/A
APRFTB1BS: Allocation flag for TPRFTB1not required0int N/A
APRFTB2BS: Allocation flag for TPRFTB2not required0int N/A
APROPB1BS: Allocation flag for EPROPB1not required0int N/A
APROPB2BS: Allocation flag for EPROPB2.not required0int N/A
APSSTHRUGI: Allocation flag for EPSSTHRUnot required0int N/A
APTRESNLF: Allocation flag for EPTRESNnot required0int N/A
APTWRKLF: Allocation flag for EPTWRKnot required0int N/A
APUBHSEHH: Allocation flag for EPUBHSEnot required0int N/A
APUBPRIVSE: Allocation flag for EPUBPRIVnot required0int N/A
APUBSUPPCS: Allocation flag for EPUBSUPPnot required0int N/A
APUSHCADQ: Allocation flag for EPUSHCnot required0int N/A
APUSHDADQ: Allocation flag for EPUSHDnot required0int N/A
APYRATE1JB: Allocation flag for TPYRATE1not required0int N/A
APYRATE2JB: Allocation flag for TPYRATE2.not required0int N/A
AR01AGI: Allocation flag for ER01Anot required0int N/A
AR01KGI: Allocation flag for ER01Knot required0int N/A
AR02GI: Allocation flag for ER02not required0int N/A
AR03AGI: Allocation flag for ER03Anot required0int N/A
AR03KGI: Allocation flag for ER03Knot required0int N/A
AR04GI: Allocation flag for ER04not required0int N/A
AR05GI: Allocation flag for ER05not required0int N/A
AR07GI: Allocation flag for ER07not required0int N/A
AR08GI: Allocation flag for ER08not required0int N/A
AR09GI: Allocation flag for ER09not required0int N/A
AR10GI: Allocation flag for ER10not required0int N/A
AR12GI: Allocation flag for ER12not required0int N/A
AR13GI: Allocation flag for ER13not required0int N/A
AR14GI: Allocation flag for ER14not required0int N/A
AR15GI: Allocation flag for ER15not required0int N/A
AR20GI: Allocation flag for ER20not required0int N/A
AR21GI: Allocation flag for ER21not required0int N/A
AR23GI: Allocation flag for ER23not required0int N/A
AR24GI: Allocation flag for ER24not required0int N/A
AR25GI: Allocation flag for ER25not required0int N/A
AR26GI: Allocation flag for ER26not required0int N/A
AR27GI: Allocation flag for ER27not required0int N/A
AR28GI: Allocation flag for ER28not required0int N/A
AR29GI: Allocation flag for ER29not required0int N/A
AR30GI: Allocation flag for ER30not required0int N/A
AR31GI: Allocation flag for ER31not required0int N/A
AR32GI: Allocation flag for ER32not required0int N/A
AR34GI: Allocation flag for ER34not required0int N/A
AR35GI: Allocation flag for ER35not required0int N/A
AR36GI: Allocation flag for ER36not required0int N/A
AR37GI: Allocation flag for ER37not required0int N/A
AR38GI: Allocation flag for ER38not required0int N/A
AR39GI: Allocation flag for ER39not required0int N/A
AR42GI: Allocation flag for ER42not required0int N/A
AR50GI: Allocation flag for ER50not required0int N/A
AR51GI: Allocation flag for ER51not required0int N/A
AR52GI: Allocation flag for ER52not required0int N/A
AR53GI: Allocation flag for ER53not required0int N/A
AR55GI: Allocation flag for ER55not required0int N/A
AR56GI: Allocation flag for ER56not required0int N/A
AR75GI: Allocation flag for ER75not required0int N/A
ARACEPE: Allocation flag for ERACEnot required0int N/A
AREACHDADQ: Allocation flag for EREACHDnot required0int N/A
ARELSIGNSE: Allocation flag for ERELSIGNnot required0int N/A
ARENDB1BS: Allocation flag for ERENDB1not required0int N/A
ARENDB2BS: Allocation flag for ERENDB2not required0int N/A
ARENROLLED: Allocation flag for RENROLLnot required0int N/A
ARETCONTHB: Allocation flag for ERETCONTnot required0int N/A
ARETHEALHB: Allocation flag for ERETHEALnot required0int N/A
ARETPAYSHB: Allocation flag for ERETPAYSnot required0int N/A
ARETPLANHB: Allocation flag for ERETPLANnot required0int N/A
ARLCOSGNSE: Allocation flag for ERLCOSGNnot required0int N/A
ARNDUP1AS: Allocation flag for TRNDUP1not required0int N/A
ARNDUP2AS: Allocation flag for TRNDUP2.not required0int N/A
AROLLAMTGI: Allocation flag for TROLLAMTnot required0int N/A
AROLOVR1GI: Allocation flag for EROLOVR1not required0int N/A
AROLOVR2GI: Allocation flag for EROLOVR2not required0int N/A
ARRPPE: Allocation flag for ERRPnot required0int N/A
ARRRSNGI: Allocation flag RRRSNnot required0int N/A
ARSEND1JB: Allocation flag for ERSEND1not required0int N/A
ARSEND2JB: Allocation flag for ERSEND2.not required0int N/A
ARSNOWRKLF: Allocation flag for ERSNOWRKnot required0int N/A
ARUNPLAYCDQ: Allocation flag for ERUNPLAYnot required0int N/A
ASAME01CS: Allocation flag for ESAME01not required0int N/A
ASAME02CS: Allocation flag for ESAME02not required0int N/A
ASAME03CS: Allocation flag for ESAME03not required0int N/A
ASAME04CS: Allocation flag for ESAME04not required0int N/A
ASAME05CS: Allocation flag for ESAME05not required0int N/A
ASAME06CS: Allocation flag for ESAME06not required0int N/A
ASAME07CS: Allocation flag for ESAME07not required0int N/A
ASAME08CS: Allocation flag for ESAME08not required0int N/A
ASAME09CS: Allocation flag for ESAME09not required0int N/A
ASAME10CS: Allocation flag for ESAME10not required0int N/A
ASAMEPARCS: Allocation flag for ESAMEPARnot required0int N/A
ASAMETM1CS: Allocation flag for ESAMETM1not required0int N/A
ASAMETM2CS: Allocation flag for ESAMETM2not required0int N/A
ASANYCHKAS: Allocation flag for ESANYCHKnot required0int N/A
ASBDATE1BS: Allocation flag for TSBDATE1not required0int N/A
ASBDATE2BS: Allocation flag for TSBDATE2not required0int N/A
ASEEDIFADQ: Allocation flag for ESEEDIFnot required0int N/A
ASEENOTADQ: Allocation flag for ESEENOTnot required0int N/A
ASELFAMTSE: Allocation flag for TSELFAMTnot required0int N/A
ASEXPE: Allocation flag for ESEXnot required0int N/A
ASIGNDOCHB: Allocation flag for ESIGNDOCnot required0int N/A
ASITDADQ: Allocation flag for ESITDnot required0int N/A
ASJADIVAS: Allocation flag for TSJADIVnot required0int N/A
ASJDATE1JB: Allocation flag for TSJDATE1not required0int N/A
ASJDATE2JB: Allocation flag for TSJDATE2not required0int N/A
ASJNTDIVAS: Allocation flag for TSJNTDIVnot required0int N/A
ASKOOLWKCDQ: Allocation flag for ESKOOLWKnot required0int N/A
ASLRYB1BS: Allocation flag for ESLRYB1not required0int N/A
ASLRYB2BS: Allocation flag for ESLRYB2not required0int N/A
ASOCIALADQ: Allocation flag for ESOCIALnot required0int N/A
ASOTHDIVAS: Allocation flag for ESOTHDIVnot required0int N/A
ASOWNADVAS: Allocation flag for TSOWNADVnot required0int N/A
ASOWNDIVAS: Allocation flag for TSOWNDIVnot required0int N/A
ASPECEDCDQ: Allocation flag for ESPECEDnot required0int N/A
ASPEDNOWCDQ: Allocation flag for ESPEDNOWnot required0int N/A
ASPEECHCADQ: Allocation flag for ESPEECHCnot required0int N/A
ASPEECHDADQ: Allocation flag for ESPEECHDnot required0int N/A
ASPENTM1CS: Allocation flag for ESPENTM1not required0int N/A
ASPENTM2CS: Allocation flag for ESPENTM2not required0int N/A
ASPORTSCDQ: Allocation flag for ESPORTSnot required0int N/A
ASSCHILDGI: Allocation flag for ESSCHILDnot required0int N/A
ASSICHLDGI: Allocation flag for ESSICHLDnot required0int N/A
ASSISELFGI: Allocation flag for ESSISELFnot required0int N/A
ASSSELFGI: Allocation flag for ESSSELFnot required0int N/A
ASTAGRE1CS: Allocation flag for ESTAGRE1not required0int N/A
ASTAGRE2CS: Allocation flag for ESTAGRE2not required0int N/A
ASTAIRSCADQ: Allocation flag for ESTAIRSCnot required0int N/A
ASTAIRSDADQ: Allocation flag for ESTAIRSDnot required0int N/A
ASTANDDADQ: Allocation flag for ESTANDDnot required0int N/A
ASTATRSNGI: Allocation flag for RSTATRSNnot required0int N/A
ASTLEMP1JB: Allocation flag ESTLEMP1not required0int N/A
ASTLEMP2JB: Allocation flag ESTLEMP2not required0int N/A
ASTOOPDADQ: Allocation flag for ESTOOPDnot required0int N/A
ASTSSIGI: Allocation flag for ESTSSInot required0int N/A
ASUPAGRMSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPAGRMnot required0int N/A
ASUPAGTYSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPAGTYnot required0int N/A
ASUPAGYRSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPAGYRnot required0int N/A
ASUPAMADSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPAMADnot required0int N/A
ASUPAMALSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPAMALnot required0int N/A
ASUPAMPDSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPAMPDnot required0int N/A
ASUPAMTCSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPAMTCnot required0int N/A
ASUPCHAGSUP11: Allocation flag for ESUPCHAGnot required0int N/A
ASUPCUSTSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPCUSTnot required0int N/A
ASUPHLTSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPHLT16not required0int N/A
ASUPHOPYSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPHOPYnot required0int N/A
ASUPKDYNSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPKDYNnot required0int N/A
ASUPLTADSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPLTADnot required0int N/A
ASUPNAGRSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPNAGRnot required0int N/A
ASUPNKIDSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPNKIDnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTAMSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPOTAMnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTHASUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTHAnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTLISUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTLInot required0int N/A
ASUPOTLVSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTLVnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTNPSUP: Allocation flag for TSUPOTNPnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTNTSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTNTnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTPASUP: Allocation flag for TSUPOTPAnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTPYSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTPYnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTRESUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTREnot required0int N/A
ASUPOTRLSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPOTRLnot required0int N/A
ASUPSPTMSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPSPTMnot required0int N/A
ASUPSTLPSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPSTLPnot required0int N/A
ASUPTAMSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPTAM1-3not required0int N/A
ASUPTMA1SUP: Allocation flag for ESUPTMA1not required0int N/A
ASUPTMA2SUP: Allocation flag for ESUPTMA2not required0int N/A
ASUPTMA3SUP: Allocation flag for ESUPTMA3not required0int N/A
ASUPTYPSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPTYP1- ESUPTYP3not required0int N/A
ASUPWOAGSUP: Allocation flag for ESUPWOAGnot required0int N/A
ASUPYRCHSUP: Allocation flag for ESUP10not required0int N/A
ASVJTAS: Allocation flag for ESVJTnot required0int N/A
ASVJTINTAS: Allocation flag for TSVJTINTnot required0int N/A
ASVOASTAS: Allocation flag for ESVOAST.not required0int N/A
ASVOINTAS: Allocation flag for TSVOINTnot required0int N/A
ATAXPLANHB: Allocation flag for ETAXPLANnot required0int N/A
ATELECADQ: Allocation flag for ETELECnot required0int N/A
ATELEDADQ: Allocation flag for ETELEDnot required0int N/A
ATENUREHH: Allocation flag for ETENUREnot required0int N/A
ATIMEAMTHB: Allocation flag for ETIMEAMTnot required0int N/A
ATIMPLANHB29: Allocation flag for ETIMPLANnot required0int N/A
ATOILETDADQ: Allocation flag for ETOILETDnot required0int N/A
ATOILETHADQ: Allocation flag for ETOILETHnot required0int N/A
ATOTAMTSE: Allocation flag for RTOTAMTnot required0int N/A
ATUITIONSE: Allocation flag for TTUITIONnot required0int N/A
ATYPASKCS: Allocation flag for ETYPASK1-ETYPASK7not required0int N/A
ATYPDADPE: Allocation flag for ETYPDADnot required0int N/A
ATYPEAGRCS: Allocation flag for ETYPEAGRnot required0int N/A
ATYPHLPCS: Allocation flag for ETYPHLP1-ETYPHLP7not required0int N/A
ATYPMOMPE: Allocation flag for ETYPMOMnot required0int N/A
AUECTYP5GI: Allocation flag for EUECTYP5not required0int N/A
AUECTYP7GI: Allocation flag for EUECTYP7not required0int N/A
AUNION1JB: Allocation flag for EUNION1not required0int N/A
AUNION2JB: Allocation flag for EUNION2.not required0int N/A
AUNITSHH: Allocation flag for EUNITSnot required0int N/A
AUTILYNHH: Allocation flag for EUTILYNnot required0int N/A
AVAQUESAF: Allocation flag for EVAQUESnot required0int N/A
AVAYNAF: Allocation flag for EVAYNnot required0int N/A
AVETSRSNGI: Allocation flag for RVETSRSNnot required0int N/A
AVETTYPAF: Allocation flag for EVETTYPnot required0int N/A
AWALK2DADQ: Allocation flag for EWALK2Dnot required0int N/A
AWALK2HADQ: Allocation flag for EWALK2Hnot required0int N/A
AWALKCADQ: Allocation flag for EWALKCnot required0int N/A
AWALKDADQ: Allocation flag for EWALKDnot required0int N/A
AWCHAIRADQ: Allocation flag for EWCHAIRnot required0int N/A
AWCMPRSNGI: Allocation flag for RWCMPRSNnot required0int N/A
AWHEHEALHB: Allocation flag for EWHEHEALnot required0int N/A
AWHERLV1CS: Allocation flag for EWHERLV1not required0int N/A
AWHERLV2CS: Allocation flag for EWHERLV2not required0int N/A
AWHERLV3CS: Allocation flag for EWHERLV3not required0int N/A
AWHERLV4CS: Allocation flag for EWHERLV4not required0int N/A
AWHOCHGDCS: Allocation flag for EWHOCHGDnot required0int N/A
AWHOCOVHB: Allocation flag for EWHOCOV1-EWHOCOV5not required0int N/A
AWHOMOV1CS: Allocation flag for EWHOMOV1not required0int N/A
AWHOMOV2CS: Allocation flag for EWHOMOV2not required0int N/A
AWHOPLNHB: Allocation flag for EWHOPLN1-EWHOPLN5not required0int N/A
AWHOREFHB: Allocation flag for EWHOREFnot required0int N/A
AWHYNOHB: Allocation flag for EWHYNO1-EWHYNO13not required0int N/A
AWICYNGI: Allocation flag for EWICYNnot required0int N/A
AWKFAREWR: Allocation flags for EWKFAREnot required0int N/A
AWKLKGLF: Allocation flag for RMWKLKGnot required0int N/A
AWKSABLF: Allocation flag for RMWKSABnot required0int N/A
AWRKHRSSE: Allocation flag for EWRKHRSnot required0int N/A
AYEAR1ADQ: Allocation flag for TYEAR1not required0int N/A
AYEAREMPHB: Allocation flag for EYEAREMPnot required0int N/A
AYNEVWR1CS: Allocation flag for EYNEVWR1-EYNEVWR8.not required0int N/A
AYNOABCS: Allocation flag for EYNOAB01-10not required0int N/A
AYNOAG11CS: Allocation flag for EYNOAG11-EYNOAG18not required0int N/A
AYNOAG21CS: Allocation flag for EYNOAG21-EYNOAG28not required0int N/A
AYNODUE1CS: Allocation flag for EYNODUE1not required0int N/A
AYNODUE2CS: Allocation flag for EYNODUE2not required0int N/A
AYRCHNG1CS: Allocation flag for EYRCHNG1not required0int N/A
AYRCHNG2CS: Allocation flag for EYRCHNG2not required0int N/A
EABRELF: Main reason for being absent without paynot required0int N/A
EACCESSHH: Access to living quartersnot required0int N/A
EAFEVERAF: Lifetime Armed Forces statusnot required0int N/A
EAFNOWAF: Current Armed Forces statusnot required0int N/A
EAFSRVDIAF: Spouse died in military or service connected injurynot required0int N/A
EALIYNGI: Receipt of alimony payments (ISS Code 29)not required0int N/A
EALZADQ: Alzheimer's diseasenot required0int N/A
EAMTAG12CS: Frequency of paymentnot required0int N/A
EAMTAG22CS: Frequency of paymentnot required0int N/A
EAMTAG32CS: Frequency of dollar amountnot required0int N/A
EAMTBAC1CS: Amount of paymentsnot required0int N/A
EAMTBAC2CS: Back payment amount duenot required0int N/A
EAMTCG12CS: Frequency of paymentnot required0int N/A
EAMTCG22CS: Frequency of paymentnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM11CS: Time spent with other parent in daysnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM12CS: Time spent with other parent in weeksnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM13CS: Time spent with other parent in monthsnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM21CS: Time spent with other parent in daysnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM22CS: Time spent with other parent in weeksnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM23CS: Time spent with other parent in monthsnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM41CS: Time spent with other parent in daysnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM42CS: Time spent with other parent in weeksnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM43CS: Time spent with other parent in monthsnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM51CS: Time spent with other parent in daysnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM52CS: Time spent with other parent in weeksnot required0int N/A
EAMTTM53CS: Time spent with other parent in monthsnot required0int N/A
EANXIOUSADQ: Frequently depressed or anxiousnot required0int N/A
EAPPLYSSADQ: Social Security disability benefitsnot required0int N/A
EARMLEGCDQ: Condition limiting the use of arms/legsnot required0int N/A
EASETDRWGI: Receipt of income from IRA, 401k, or KEOGH (ISS 42)not required0int N/A
EASNUNVSUP: Universe indicator.not required0int N/A
EASST01ED: Federal Pell Grantnot required0int N/A
EASST03ED: Assistance from college (or fed) work study programnot required0int N/A
EASST04ED: Other Federal Grant or Program; e.g., SEOG, ROTCnot required0int N/A
EASST05ED: Loan that has to be repaid (Stafford, Perkins, SLS)not required0int N/A
EASST06ED: Grant, Scholarship, or Tuition remission from schoolnot required0int N/A
EASST07ED: Teaching or Research Assistantship from the schoolnot required0int N/A
EASST08ED: Grant/Scholarship from the state (SSIGP, etc.)not required0int N/A
EASST09ED: Grant/Scholarship from other sourcenot required0int N/A
EASST10ED: Employer provided educational assistancenot required0int N/A
EASST11ED: Other Financial Aid excl. aid from parents, trust,etcnot required0int N/A
EAST1AAS: U.S. governement savings bonds ownednot required0int N/A
EAST1BAS: IRA or Keogh account ownednot required0int N/A
EAST1CAS: 401k or thrift plan ownednot required0int N/A
EAST2AAS: Interest bearing checking account ownednot required0int N/A
EAST2BAS: Savings account ownednot required0int N/A
EAST2CAS: Money market deposit account ownednot required0int N/A
EAST2DAS: Certificate of deposit ownednot required0int N/A
EAST3AAS: Mutual funds ownednot required0int N/A
EAST3BAS: Stocks ownednot required0int N/A
EAST3CAS: Municipal or corporate bonds ownednot required0int N/A
EAST3DAS: U.S. government securities ownednot required0int N/A
EAST3EAS: Mortgage heldnot required0int N/A
EAST4AAS: Rental property ownednot required0int N/A
EAST4BAS: Royalty income receivednot required0int N/A
EAST4CAS: Other financial investments ownednot required0int N/A
EAWOPLF: Had full-week unpaid absences from worknot required0int N/A
EBATHDIFADQ: Difficulty taking a bath or showernot required0int N/A
EBATHHADQ: Need help taking a bath or showernot required0int N/A
EBDJTAS: Jointly owned municipal or corporate bondsnot required0int N/A
EBDOASTAS: Solely owned municipal or corporate bondsnot required0int N/A
EBEDDIFADQ: Difficulty getting in and out of bed or chairnot required0int N/A
EBEDHELPADQ: Need help getting in and out of bed or a chairnot required0int N/A
EBFLAGLF: Flag indicating 'before' workernot required0int N/A
EBIZNOW1BS: Does ... still own this business?not required0int N/A
EBIZNOW2BS: Does ... still own this business?not required0int N/A
EBKFSYNPE: Receipt of breakfast under Fed School Breakfast Prog.not required0int N/A
EBMNTHPE: Month of birthnot required0int N/A
EBNO1BS: Across-wave business index/numbernot required0int N/A
EBNO2BS: Across-wave business index/numbernot required0int N/A
EBOOKDOCHB: List of doctors associated with the health plannot required0int N/A
EBRKFSTHH: Receipt of school breakfastnot required0int N/A
EBUSCNTRLF: Number of businesses owned during reference periodnot required0int N/A
ECANEADQ: Use of a cane, crutches, or walkernot required0int N/A
ECANE6ADQ: Use of an aid for six months or longernot required0int N/A
ECANT10ADQ: Ability to lift and carry 10 pounds at allnot required0int N/A
ECANT25ADQ: Ability to lift and carry 25 pounds at allnot required0int N/A
ECDJTAS: Jointly owned certificates of depositnot required0int N/A
ECDMTHHI: Medicaid coverage in this monthnot required0int N/A
ECDOASTAS: Solely owned certificates of depositnot required0int N/A
ECDUNT1HI: 1st Medicaid coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
ECDUNT2HI: 2nd Medicaid coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
ECDUNT3HI: 3rd Medicaid coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
ECFLAGLF: Flag indicating other-work-arrangement workernot required0int N/A
ECHCOV01HB: Reason first child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV02HB: Reason second child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV03HB: Reason third child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV04HB: Reason fourth child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV05HB: Reason fifth child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV06HB: Reason sixth child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHCOV07HB: Reason seventh child was not coverednot required0int N/A
ECHOICE1HB: Employer offers traditional health insurance plansnot required0int N/A
ECHOICE2HB: Employer offered plans such as HMOsnot required0int N/A
ECHPNM01HB: Person number of first child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM02HB: Person number of second child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM03HB: Person number of third child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM04HB: Person number of fourth child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM05HB: Person number of fifth child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM06HB: Person number of sixth child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECHPNM07HB: Person number of seventh child eligible for coveragenot required0int N/A
ECKJTAS: Jointly owned interest bearing checking accountnot required0int N/A
ECKOASTAS: Solely owned interest bearing checking accountnot required0int N/A
ECLWRK1JB: Class of workernot required0int N/A
ECLWRK2JB: Class of workernot required0int N/A
ECNTRC1JB: Coverage by union or employee association contractnot required0int N/A
ECNTRC2JB: Coverage by union or employee association contractnot required0int N/A
ECOND1ADQ: First condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
ECOND2ADQ: Second condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
ECOND3ADQ: Third condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
ECONDNOTHB: Pre-existing medical conditionnot required0int N/A
ECONDPH1ADQ: First condition causing fair/poor healthnot required0int N/A
ECONDPH2ADQ: Second condition causing fair/poor healthnot required0int N/A
ECONDPH3ADQ: Third condition causing fair/poor healthnot required0int N/A
ECONDW1ADQ: First condition causing limitation in workingnot required0int N/A
ECONDW2ADQ: Second condition causing limitation in workingnot required0int N/A
ECONDW3ADQ: Third condition causing limitation in workingnot required0int N/A
ECONLEFTHB: Continued coverage after left employernot required0int N/A
ECONTRETHB: Continued coverage through COBRAnot required0int N/A
ECOPEADQ: Trouble coping with stressesnot required0int N/A
ECOVLONGHB: Coverage under long-term care plannot required0int N/A
ECOVMEMBHB: Coverage available for othersnot required0int N/A
ECOVUNIOHB: Covered under a union or contract by former employernot required0int N/A
ECRMTHHI: Medicare coverage in this monthnot required0int N/A
ECSAGREEGI: Agreement for support paymentsnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG01CS: Child support coverage indicator - first childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG02CS: Child support coverage indicator - second childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG03CS: Child support coverage indicator - third childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG04CS: Child support coverage indicator - fourth childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG05CS: Child support coverage indicator - fifth childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG06CS: Child support coverage indicator - sixth childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG07CS: Child support coverage indicator - seventh childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG08CS: Child support coverage indicator - eighth childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG09CS: Child support coverage indicator - ninth childnot required0int N/A
ECSFLG10CS: Child support coverage indicator - tenth childnot required0int N/A
ECSKID01CS: Person number of first child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID02CS: Person number of second child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID03CS: Person number of third child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID04CS: Person number of fourth child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID05CS: Person number of fifth child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID06CS: Person number of sixth child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID07CS: Person number of seventh child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID08CS: Person number of eighth child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID09CS: Person number of ninth child.not required0int N/A
ECSKID10CS: Person number of tenth child.not required0int N/A
ECSUNVCS: Universe indicator.not required0int N/A
ECSYNGI: Receipt of child support payments (ISS Code 28)not required0int N/A
ECTRATEADQ: Trouble concentratingnot required0int N/A
ECUSTAG1CS: Child custody arrangementsnot required0int N/A
ECUSTAG2CS: Child custody arrangementsnot required0int N/A
EDCER101CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER102CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER103CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER104CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER105CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER106CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER107CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER108CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER109CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER110CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER201CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER202CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER203CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER204CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER205CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER206CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER207CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER208CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER209CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER210CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER301CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER302CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER303CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER304CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER305CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER306CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER307CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER308CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER309CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER310CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER401CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER402CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER403CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER404CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER405CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER406CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER407CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER408CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER409CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCER410CS: Signature on birth certificatenot required0int N/A
EDCRT101CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT102CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT103CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT104CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT105CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT106CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT107CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT108CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT109CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT110CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT201CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT202CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT203CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT204CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT205CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT206CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT207CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT208CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT209CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT210CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT301CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT302CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT303CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT304CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT305CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT306CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT307CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT308CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT309CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT310CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT401CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT402CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT403CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT404CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT405CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT406CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT407CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT408CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT409CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDCRT410CS: Father identified by court rulingnot required0int N/A
EDDELAYCDQ: Serious physical/mental conditionnot required0int N/A
EDENCOVEHB: Reason person was denied coveragenot required0int N/A
EDEVDISADQ: Developmental disabilitynot required0int N/A
EDIF10ADQ: Difficulty lifting and carrying 10 poundsnot required0int N/A
EDIF25ADQ: Difficulty lifting and carrying 25 poundsnot required0int N/A
EDISABLLF: Had a physical or mental work-limiting conditionnot required0int N/A
EDISPREVLF: Had work-preventing physical/mental/health conditionnot required0int N/A
EDMAR1CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR201CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR202CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR203CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR204CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR205CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR206CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR207CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR208CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR209CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDMAR210CS: Married to child's fathernot required0int N/A
EDOTH101CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH102CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH103CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH104CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH105CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH106CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH107CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH108CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH109CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH110CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH201CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH202CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH203CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH204CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH205CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH206CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH207CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH208CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH209CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH210CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH301CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH302CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH303CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH304CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH305CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH306CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH307CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH308CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH309CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH310CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH401CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH402CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH403CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH404CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH405CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH406CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH407CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH408CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH409CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDOTH410CS: Father signed other papersnot required0int N/A
EDPNTAXSE: Whether student claimed on parent's/guardian's taxnot required0int N/A
EDRESSDADQ: Difficulty dressingnot required0int N/A
EDRESSHADQ: Need help dressingnot required0int N/A
EDSIG101CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG102CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG103CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG104CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG105CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG106CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG107CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG108CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG109CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG110CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG201CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG202CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG203CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG204CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG205CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG206CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG207CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG208CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG209CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG210CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG301CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG302CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG303CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG304CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG305CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG306CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG307CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG308CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG309CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG310CS: Signature with father's namenot required0int N/A
EDSIG401CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG402CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG403CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG404CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG405CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG406CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG407CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG408CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG409CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDSIG410CS: Signed a statementnot required0int N/A
EDTES101CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES102CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES103CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES104CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES105CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES106CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES107CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES108CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES109CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES110CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES201CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES202CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES203CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES204CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES205CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES206CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES207CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES208CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES209CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES210CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES301CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES302CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES303CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES304CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES305CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES306CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES307CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES308CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES309CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES310CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES401CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES402CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES403CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES404CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES405CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES406CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES407CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES408CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES409CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDTES410CS: Father identified by blood testnot required0int N/A
EDUEBAC1CS: Back payments for child supportnot required0int N/A
EDUEBAC2CS: Back payments for child supportnot required0int N/A
EEATDIFADQ: Difficulty eatingnot required0int N/A
EEATHELPADQ: Need help eatingnot required0int N/A
EEDFUNDED: Educational assistancenot required0int N/A
EEDUCATEED: Highest Degree received or grade completednot required0int N/A
EEGYAMTHH: Amount of energy assistancenot required0int N/A
EEGYASTHH: Receipt of energy assistancenot required0int N/A
EEGYPMT1HH: Energy assistance payment by checknot required0int N/A
EEGYPMT2HH: Energy assistance payment by couponsnot required0int N/A
EEGYPMT3HH: Energy assist paymnt to utils, fuel dealers, landlordnot required0int N/A
EEMPCOSTHB: Employer pays costs of plannot required0int N/A
EEMPGRDSE: Employer's grade requirementnot required0int N/A
EEMPLJOBHB: Class of worker for former employernot required0int N/A
EEMPLOC1JB: Does employer operate in more than one location?not required0int N/A
EEMPLOC2JB: Does employer operate in more than one location?not required0int N/A
EEMPMATEHB: Educational materials providednot required0int N/A
EEMPOBLGSE: Employer's requirement for work continuancenot required0int N/A
EEMPRELTSE: Whether coursework must relate to worknot required0int N/A
EEMPREQSE: If it is an employer requirement to attend schoolnot required0int N/A
EEMPTIMESE: Months of stay owed employer for education aidnot required0int N/A
EEMPTYPEHB: Former employer's type of business or organizationnot required0int N/A
EENLEVELED: Level or grade enrollednot required0int N/A
EENO1JB: Across-wave employer index/numbernot required0int N/A
EENO2JB: Across-wave employer index/numbernot required0int N/A
EENRLMED: Enrollment status in this monthnot required0int N/A
EENRLMNTSE: Enrollmentnot required0int N/A
EENTAIDPE: Address ID of hhld where person entered samplenot required0int N/A
EEVERETLF: Ever retired from a jobnot required0int N/A
EEVRCHG1CS: Dollar amount changenot required0int N/A
EEVRCHG2CS: Dollar amount changenot required0int N/A
EEXMEDICHB: Expects to be covered by Medicarenot required0int N/A
EFCCYNGI: Receipt of foster child care payments (ISS Code 23)not required0int N/A
EFEWER20HB: Fewer than 20 people employed by former employernot required0int N/A
EFIELDSE: Major field of studynot required0int N/A
EFIRSYR1CS: Year the agreement was first reachednot required0int N/A
EFIRSYR2CS: Year the agreement was first reachednot required0int N/A
EFKINDFA: Kind of family (or pseudo-family)not required0int N/A
EFNPFA: Number of persons in this family or pseudo familynot required0int N/A
EFORMEMPHB: Former employer offers health coveragenot required0int N/A
EFREEBRKHH: Qualify for free or reduced price breakfastnot required0int N/A
EFREELUNHH: Qualify for free or reduced price school lunchnot required0int N/A
EFREFPERFA: Person number of the family reference personnot required0int N/A
EFRERDBKHH: Are the breakfasts free or are they reduced price?not required0int N/A
EFRERDLNHH: Are the lunches free or are they reduced price?not required0int N/A
EFRQPAY1CS: Frequency of payments receivednot required0int N/A
EFRQPAY2CS: Frequency of payments receivednot required0int N/A
EFSPOUSEFA: Person number of spouse of family ref. personnot required0int N/A
EFSYNGI: Receipt of food stamps (ISS Code 27)not required0int N/A
EFTYPEFA: Type of family (or pseudo-family)not required0int N/A
EGEDPREPWR: Workfare/training -- GED preparationnot required0int N/A
EGOVRNMTHB: Former employer's type of governmentnot required0int N/A
EGRASPCADQ: Ability to use hands and fingers at allnot required0int N/A
EGRASPDADQ: Difficulty using hands and fingersnot required0int N/A
EGRLEVELSE: Grade person was enrollednot required0int N/A
EGROSB1BS: Anticipated gross-earnings levelnot required0int N/A
EGROSB2BS: Anticipated gross-earnings levelnot required0int N/A
EGRSSB1BS: Earnings level last 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
EGRSSB2BS: Earnings level last 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
EGVJTAS: Jointly owned U.S. Government securitiesnot required0int N/A
EGVOASTAS: Solely owned U.S. Government securitiesnot required0int N/A
EGVTRNTHH: Receipt of Government subsidized rentnot required0int N/A
EHAD5MADQ: Had this condition for at least five monthsnot required0int N/A
EHASHMOHB: Whether health insurance plan is an HMOnot required0int N/A
EHBUNVHB: Universe indicator.not required0int N/A
EHEALPLAHB: Employer's health insurance plannot required0int N/A
EHEARAIDADQ: Use of a hearing aidnot required0int N/A
EHEARDIFADQ: Difficulty hearing a normal conversationnot required0int N/A
EHEARNOTADQ: Ability to hear what is said at allnot required0int N/A
EHELPER1ADQ: Person who generally helps with these activitiesnot required0int N/A
EHELPER2ADQ: Another person who generally helpsnot required0int N/A
EHELPSYNCS: Help received from agencynot required0int N/A
EHEMPLYHI: Source of health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHHMEMB1ADQ: Whether the first helper is a household membernot required0int N/A
EHHMEMB2ADQ: Whether the second helper is a household membernot required0int N/A
EHHNUMPPHH: Total number of persons in this hhld in this monthnot required0int N/A
EHICOSTHI: Employer/union paid all or part of health ins. costsnot required0int N/A
EHIMTHHI: Private health insurance coverage in this monthnot required0int N/A
EHIOLDKDHI: Coverage of older child (18+) outside the householdnot required0int N/A
EHIOTHERHI: Health insurance coverage of nonhousehold membersnot required0int N/A
EHIOTHRHI: Coverage of other person(s) outside the householdnot required0int N/A
EHIOWNERHI: Covered by own plan or someone else's plannot required0int N/A
EHIRSN01HI: Reason not covered: too expensive, can't affordnot required0int N/A
EHIRSN02HI: Reason not covered: HI not offered by employernot required0int N/A
EHIRSN03HI: Reason not covered: not at job long enough to qualifynot required0int N/A
EHIRSN04HI: Reason not covered: job layoff, loss, unemploymentnot required0int N/A
EHIRSN05HI: Reason not covered: not eligible-part time or tempnot required0int N/A
EHIRSN06HI: Reason not covered: poor health, illness, age, etc.not required0int N/A
EHIRSN07HI: Reason not covered: don't believe in insurancenot required0int N/A
EHIRSN08HI: Reason not covered: haven't needed health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHIRSN09HI: Reason not covered: Use VA or military hospitalnot required0int N/A
EHIRSN10HI: Reason not covered: covered by other health plannot required0int N/A
EHIRSN11HI: Reason not covered: no longer covered by parentsnot required0int N/A
EHIRSN12HI: Reason not covered: some other reasonnot required0int N/A
EHISPSEHI: Coverage of spouse outside the householdnot required0int N/A
EHIUNT1HI: 1st health insurance coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
EHIUNT2HI: 2nd health insurance coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
EHIUNT3HI: 3rd health insurance coverage unit for this monthnot required0int N/A
EHIYNGKDHI: Coverage of younger child (under 18) outside the hhldnot required0int N/A
EHLTAG21CS: Non-custodial parent to provide health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHLTAG22CS: Custodial parent to provide health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHLTAG23CS: Non-custodial parent to pay actual medical costsnot required0int N/A
EHLTAG24CS: Child support payments include medical supportnot required0int N/A
EHLTAG25CS: No provision for health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHLTAG26CS: Other provisions for health care costsnot required0int N/A
EHOTLUNCHH: Receipt of a school lunchnot required0int N/A
EHOWLONGADQ: How long the person has needed helpnot required0int N/A
EHOWREC1CS: Ways payments are receivednot required0int N/A
EHPRTB1BS: Other owners/partners in householdnot required0int N/A
EHPRTB2BS: Other owners/partners in householdnot required0int N/A
EHREFPERHH: Person number of household reference personnot required0int N/A
EHRSBS1BS: Usual hours worked per weeknot required0int N/A
EHRSBS2BS: Usual hours worked per weeknot required0int N/A
EHSTATADQ: Quality of healthnot required0int N/A
EHTHAG11CS: Non-custodial parent to provide health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHTHAG12CS: Custodial parent to provide health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHTHAG13CS: Non-custodial parent to pay actual medical costsnot required0int N/A
EHTHAG14CS: Child support payments include medical supportnot required0int N/A
EHTHAG15CS: No provision for health insurancenot required0int N/A
EHTHAG16CS: Other provisions for health care costsnot required0int N/A
EHTLNYNPE: Receipt of school lunchnot required0int N/A
EHWJBSRHWR: Workfare/training -- learning to search for a jobnot required0int N/A
EHWORKDADQ: Difficulty doing light houseworknot required0int N/A
EHWORKHADQ: Need help doing light houseworknot required0int N/A
EHWRKDIFADQ: Condition limiting the kind/amount of houseworknot required0int N/A
EHWRKNOADQ: Health/condition prevents doing any houseworknot required0int N/A
EINCPB1BS: Is this business incorporated?not required0int N/A
EINCPB2BS: Is this business incorporated?not required0int N/A
EINDIFADQ: Difficulty getting around inside the homenot required0int N/A
EINHELPADQ: Need help getting around inside the homenot required0int N/A
EINTRFERADQ: Ability to manage everyday activitiesnot required0int N/A
EJBHRS1JB: Usual hours worked per week at this jobnot required0int N/A
EJBHRS2JB: Usual hours worked per week at this jobnot required0int N/A
EJBIND1JB: Industry codenot required0int N/A
EJBIND2JB: Industry codenot required0int N/A
EJBSKLTNWR: Workfare/training -- job skills trainingnot required0int N/A
EJBSRHWR: Workfare/training -- searching for a jobnot required0int N/A
EJNTRNTAS: Rent from property jointly owned with spousenot required0int N/A
EJNTSSYNGI: Receipt of joint Social Security payments with spousenot required0int N/A
EJOBCANTADQ: Health or condition preventing workingnot required0int N/A
EJOBCNTRLF: Number of jobs held during the reference periodnot required0int N/A
EJOBDIFADQ: Physical/mental condition and job difficultynot required0int N/A
EJRNT2AS: Rent from property owned with othersnot required0int N/A
EKCOND1CDQ: First condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
EKCOND2CDQ29@2: Second condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
EKCOND3CDQ: Third condition causing difficultynot required0int N/A
ELAST12MADQ: Condition expected to last 12+ monthsnot required0int N/A
ELASTASKCS: Last year for helpnot required0int N/A
ELASTCOVHB: Covered by employer's health plan on last day of worknot required0int N/A
ELAYOFFLF: Spent time on layoff from a jobnot required0int N/A
ELDISADQ: Learning disabilitynot required0int N/A
ELEFTPLAHB: Time health plan is in effect after leaving employernot required0int N/A
ELERNDISCDQ: Learning disability like dyslexianot required0int N/A
ELIVQRTHH: Type of living quartersnot required0int N/A
ELKWRKLF: Spent time looking for worknot required0int N/A
ELMPTYP1GI: Receipt of lump sum from pension/retirement plannot required0int N/A
ELMPTYP2GI: Receipt of severance pay (ISS Code 15)not required0int N/A
ELMPTYP3GI: Receipt of other type of lump sum paymentnot required0int N/A
ELOANSGNSE: Who signed for the student loannot required0int N/A
EMAIN1ADQ: Main reason for difficultynot required0int N/A
EMAIN2ADQ: Main reason for work limitationnot required0int N/A
EMANYCHKAS: Dividend check from joint/sole owned mutual fundsnot required0int N/A
EMATCOMPHB: Materials provide easy comparison between plansnot required0int N/A
EMAXLF: Number of weeks in the reference periodnot required0int N/A
EMDJTAS: Jointly owned money market deposit accountnot required0int N/A
EMDOASTAS: Solely owned money market deposit accountnot required0int N/A
EMEALSDADQ: Difficulty preparing mealsnot required0int N/A
EMEALSHADQ: Need help preparing mealsnot required0int N/A
EMEDDADQ: Difficulty taking right amount of medicinenot required0int N/A
EMEDHADQ: Need help taking right amount of medicinenot required0int N/A
EMNTHEMPHB: Number of months worked for former employernot required0int N/A
EMONEYDADQ: Difficulty keeping track of money and billsnot required0int N/A
EMONEYHADQ: Need help keeping track of money and billsnot required0int N/A
EMONTH1ADQ: Month when main condition first begannot required0int N/A
EMOONLITLF: Income from additional worknot required0int N/A
EMOTHDIVAS: Dividends credited against margin accountsnot required0int N/A
EMOTORVADQ: Condition is result of a motor vehicle accidentnot required0int N/A
EMRADQ: Mental retardationnot required0int N/A
EMRTJNTAS: Mortgage owned jointly with spousenot required0int N/A
EMRTOWNAS: Mortgages held in own namenot required0int N/A
EMSPE: Marital statusnot required0int N/A
ENOCOV1HB: No coverage reason, covered by other health insurancenot required0int N/A
ENOCOV10HB: No coverage reason, othernot required0int N/A
ENOCOV2HB: No coverage reason, has medical savings accountnot required0int N/A
ENOCOV3HB: No coverage reason, plan had no family coveragenot required0int N/A
ENOCOV4HB: No coverage reason, plan too costlynot required0int N/A
ENOCOV5HB: No coverage reason, pre-existing conditions not coverednot required0int N/A
ENOCOV6HB: No coverage reason, plan had too many limitationsnot required0int N/A
ENOCOV7HB: No coverage reason, does not need or want coveragenot required0int N/A
ENOCOV8HB: No coverage reason, does not believe in health ins.not required0int N/A
ENOCOV9HB: No coverage reason, dissatisfiednot required0int N/A
ENOELIG1HB: Reason ineligible - probationary period not completednot required0int N/A
ENOELIG2HB: Reason ineligible - contract or temporary employeenot required0int N/A
ENOELIG3HB: Reason ineligible - part-time employeenot required0int N/A
ENOELIG4HB: Reason ineligible - othernot required0int N/A
ENONHHHI: Covered by plan owned by person outside householdnot required0int N/A
ENOTPLANHB: Reason person is not covered by plannot required0int N/A
EOCCUPSE: Occupational programsnot required0int N/A
EOFFEMP1HB: Other employer offerings - cash in 401(k)not required0int N/A
EOFFEMP2HB: Other employer offerings - cash or salary bonusnot required0int N/A
EOFFEMP3HB: Other employer offerings - plan combined with MSAnot required0int N/A
EOFFEMP4HB: Other employer offerings - contributions to an FSAnot required0int N/A
EOFFEMP5HB: Other employer offerings - other benefitsnot required0int N/A
EOFFLONGHB: Nursing home or home care coveragenot required0int N/A
EOINCB1BS: Receipt of non-salary incomenot required0int N/A
EOINCB2BS: Receipt of non-salary incomenot required0int N/A
EOPPCH1HB: Employer offerings - case in 401(k) plannot required0int N/A
EOPPCH2HB: Employer offerings - cash or a salary bonusnot required0int N/A
EOPPCH3HB: Employer offerings - plan combined with MSAnot required0int N/A
EOPPCH4HB: Employer offerings - contributions to an FSAnot required0int N/A
EOPPCH5HB: Employer offerings - other benefitsnot required0int N/A
EOPTIONSHB: Multiple health insurance plans offerednot required0int N/A
EORIGINPE: Origin of this personnot required0int N/A
EOTHERDCCDQ: Other developmental conditionnot required0int N/A
EOTHERMADQ: Other mental or emotional conditionnot required0int N/A
EOTHITEMCS: Non-cash items providednot required0int N/A
EOUTCOMEHH: Interview Status code for this householdnot required0int N/A
EOUTDIFADQ: Difficulty going outside the homenot required0int N/A
EOUTHELPADQ: Need help going outside the homenot required0int N/A
EOWNRNTAS: Rent from property owned entirely in own namenot required0int N/A
EPADUNVAD: Universe indicatornot required0int N/A
EPAIDJOBHB: At job for one year or morenot required0int N/A
EPARTB11BS: Person number of partner 1not required0int N/A
EPARTB12BS: Person number of partner 1not required0int N/A
EPARTB21BS: Person number of partner 2not required0int N/A
EPARTB22BS: Person number of partner 2not required0int N/A
EPARTB31BS: Person number of partner 3not required0int N/A
EPARTB32BS: Person number of partner 3not required0int N/A
EPATYNGI: Receipt of AFDC, welfare, or public assistancenot required0int N/A
EPATYP1GI: Receipt of AFDC (ISS Code 20)not required0int N/A
EPATYP2GI: Receipt of general assistance (ISS Code 21)not required0int N/A
EPATYP3GI: Receipt of energy assistance (ISS Code 19)not required0int N/A
EPATYP4GI: Receipt of other public assistance (ISS Code 24)not required0int N/A
EPAYAMTADQ: Amount that was paid for help last monthnot required0int N/A
EPAYDUE1CS: Payments due for agreementnot required0int N/A
EPAYDUE2CS: Payments due last yearnot required0int N/A
EPAYHELPADQ: Whether the help last month was paid fornot required0int N/A
EPAYHR1JB: Is ... paid by the hour?not required0int N/A
EPAYHR2JB: Is ... paid by the hour?not required0int N/A
EPAYRECVCS: Payments receivednot required0int N/A
EPCDUNVCD: Universe indicatornot required0int N/A
EPCTMIN1SE: Percent non-Hispanic Blacknot required0int N/A
EPCTMIN4SE: Percent Hispanicnot required0int N/A
EPDJBTHNLF: Paid job during the reference periodnot required0int N/A
EPDTIMCLSE: Whether employer pays for time spent in classnot required0int N/A
EPLANMEDHB: Health plan covers Medicare coinsurancenot required0int N/A
EPNDADPE: Person number of fathernot required0int N/A
EPNGUARDPE: Person number of guardiannot required0int N/A
EPNMOMPE: Person number of mothernot required0int N/A
EPNSPOUSPE: Person number of spousenot required0int N/A
EPOPSTATPE: Population status based on age in fourth ref. monthnot required0int N/A
EPOSTMEDHB: Eligibility for Medicarenot required0int N/A
EPPFLAGLF: Flag denoting imputation of person labor force datanot required0int N/A
EPPINTVWPE: Person's interview statusnot required0int N/A
EPPPNUMPE: Person numbernot required0int N/A
EPREMINCHB: Premium increase when left employernot required0int N/A
EPROPB1BS: Type of proprietorshipnot required0int N/A
EPROPB2BS: Type of proprietorshipnot required0int N/A
EPSEUNVSE: Universe indicatornot required0int N/A
EPSSTHRUGI: Receipt of child support as bonus/passthru AFDCnot required0int N/A
EPTRESNLF: Main reason for working less than 35 hoursnot required0int N/A
EPTWRKLF: Worked less than 35 hours some weeksnot required0int N/A
EPUBHSEHH: Residence in public housing projectnot required0int N/A
EPUBPRIVSE: Whether public or privatenot required0int N/A
EPUBSUPPCS: Help in obtaining child supportnot required0int N/A
EPUSHCADQ: Ability to push or pull large objects at allnot required0int N/A
EPUSHDADQ: Difficulty pushing or pulling large objectsnot required0int N/A
EPWRUNVWR: Universe indicator.not required0int N/A
ER01AGI: Receipt of Social Security - Adult (ISS Code 1)not required0int N/A
ER01KGI: Receipt of Social Security - Child (ISS Code 1)not required0int N/A
ER02GI: Receipt of Railroad Retirement (ISS Code 2)not required0int N/A
ER03AGI: Receipt of Federal SSI - Adult (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
ER03KGI: Receipt of Federal SSI - Child (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
ER04GI: Receipt of State SSI (ISS Code 4)not required0int N/A
ER05GI: Receipt of State Unemployment Comp. (ISS Code 5)not required0int N/A
ER07GI: Receipt of Other Unemployment Comp. (ISS Code 7)not required0int N/A
ER08GI: Receipt of Veterans' Compensation (ISS Code 8)not required0int N/A
ER09GI: Receipt of Black Lung payments (ISS Code 9)not required0int N/A
ER10GI: Receipt of Workers Compensation (ISS Code 10)not required0int N/A
ER12GI: Receipt of Employer/Union Temp. Sickness Benefitsnot required0int N/A
ER13GI: Receipt of own sickness, accident insurance paymentsnot required0int N/A
ER14GI: Receipt of Employer Disability Payments (ISS Code 14)not required0int N/A
ER15GI: Receipt of Severance Pay (ISS Code 15)not required0int N/A
ER20GI: Receipt of AFDC,ADC (ISS Code 20)not required0int N/A
ER21GI: Receipt of General Assistance or General Reliefnot required0int N/A
ER23GI: Receipt of Foster Child Care Payments (ISS Code 23)not required0int N/A
ER24GI: Receipt of Other Welfare (ISS Code 24)not required0int N/A
ER25GI: Receipt of WIC (ISS Code 25)not required0int N/A
ER26GI: Receipt of Pass Through Child Support Paymentsnot required0int N/A
ER27GI: Receipt of Food Stamps (ISS Code 27)not required0int N/A
ER28GI: Receipt of Child Support Payments (ISS Code 28)not required0int N/A
ER29GI: Receipt of Alimony Payments (ISS Code 29)not required0int N/A
ER30GI: Receipt of pension from a company or unionnot required0int N/A
ER31GI: Receipt of Federal Civil Service Pensionnot required0int N/A
ER32GI: Receipt of U.S. Military Retirement Pay (ISS Code 32)not required0int N/A
ER34GI: Receipt of State Government Pension (ISS Code 34)not required0int N/A
ER35GI: Receipt of Local Government Pension (ISS Code 35)not required0int N/A
ER36GI: Receipt of paid-up life insurance annuitynot required0int N/A
ER37GI: Receipt of Estates or Trusts (ISS Code 37)not required0int N/A
ER38GI: Receipt of other retirement, disability or survivorsnot required0int N/A
ER39GI: Receipt of Pension/Retirement Lump Sums (ISS Code 39)not required0int N/A
ER42GI: Receipt of draw from IRA/Keough/401k or Thrift Plannot required0int N/A
ER50GI: Receipt of income assistance from a charitable groupnot required0int N/A
ER51GI: Receipt of money from relatives or friendsnot required0int N/A
ER52GI: Receipt of lump sum payments (ISS Code 52)not required0int N/A
ER53GI: Receipt of income from roomers or boardersnot required0int N/A
ER55GI: Receipt of incidental or casual earningsnot required0int N/A
ER56GI: Receipt of miscellaneous cash income (ISS Code 56)not required0int N/A
ER75GI: Receipt of other government income (ISS Code 75)not required0int N/A
ERACEPE: Race of this personnot required0int N/A
EREACHDADQ: Difficulty reaching over headnot required0int N/A
ERELSIGNSE: Relationship of the loan signer to the studentnot required0int N/A
ERENDB1BS: Reason business endednot required0int N/A
ERENDB2BS: Reason business endednot required0int N/A
ERETCONTHB: Continue health insurance plan until age 65not required0int N/A
ERETHEALHB: Health insurance obtained through retirementnot required0int N/A
ERETPAYSHB: Employer pays for cost of health plan after retirementnot required0int N/A
ERETPLANHB: Retirees obtain coverage for spousenot required0int N/A
ERLCOSGNSE: Relationship of the loan cosigner to the studentnot required0int N/A
EROLOVR1GI: Money rolled over into IRA/other type of retirementnot required0int N/A
EROLOVR2GI: Plan to roll over money into IRA/other retirementnot required0int N/A
ERRPPE: Household relationshipnot required0int N/A
ERSEND1JB: Main reason stopped workingnot required0int N/A
ERSEND2JB: Main reason stopped worknot required0int N/A
ERSNOWRKLF: Main reason for not working during the ref. periodnot required0int N/A
ERUNPLAYCDQ: Condition limiting the ability to walk/run/playnot required0int N/A
ESACCRSE: Special accreditationnot required0int N/A
ESAME01CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME02CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME03CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME04CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME05CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME06CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME07CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME08CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME09CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAME10CS: All have same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAMEPARCS: Same fathernot required0int N/A
ESAMETM1CS: Time spent with other parentnot required0int N/A
ESAMETM2CS: Time spent with other parentnot required0int N/A
ESANYCHKAS: Dividend check for jointly or solely held stocksnot required0int N/A
ESEEDIFADQ: Difficulty seeing words/letters in newspaper printnot required0int N/A
ESEENOTADQ: Ability to see words and letters in print at allnot required0int N/A
ESEXPE: Sex of this personnot required0int N/A
ESFKINDSF: Kind of family (or pseudo-family)not required0int N/A
ESFNPSF: Number of persons in this related subfamilynot required0int N/A
ESFRPE: Subfamily relationshipnot required0int N/A
ESFRFPERSF: Person number of the related subfamily ref personnot required0int N/A
ESFSPSESF: Person number of spouse of related subfam ref personnot required0int N/A
ESFTPE: Family typenot required0int N/A
ESFTYPESF: Type of family (or pseudo-family)not required0int N/A
ESIGNDOCHB: Plan uses clinics for routine carenot required0int N/A
ESITDADQ: Difficulty sittingnot required0int N/A
ESKOOLWKCDQ: Physical/learning/mental condition and schoolworknot required0int N/A
ESLRYB1BS: Salary draw from businessnot required0int N/A
ESLRYB2BS: Salary draw from businessnot required0int N/A
ESOCIALADQ: Trouble getting along with other peoplenot required0int N/A
ESOKLT18SF: Number of own children under 18 in related subfamilynot required0int N/A
ESOTHDIVAS: Dividends credited to margin accountnot required0int N/A
ESOWNKIDSF: Number of own children in related subfamilynot required0int N/A
ESPECEDCDQ: Ever received special education servicesnot required0int N/A
ESPEDNOWCDQ: Currently receiving special education servicesnot required0int N/A
ESPEECHCADQ: Ability to understand speech at allnot required0int N/A
ESPEECHDADQ: Difficulty having speech understoodnot required0int N/A
ESPENTM1CS: Time spent with other parentnot required0int N/A
ESPENTM2CS: Time spent with other parentnot required0int N/A
ESPORTSCDQ: Condition limiting running/walking/sports/gamesnot required0int N/A
ESSCHILDGI: Receipt of Social Security payments for childrennot required0int N/A
ESSICHLDGI: Receipt of SSI for children (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
ESSISELFGI: Receipt of SSI for self (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
ESSSELFGI: Receipt of Social Security payments for selfnot required0int N/A
ESTAGRE1CS: State where parent livesnot required0int N/A
ESTAGRE2CS: State where parent livesnot required0int N/A
ESTAIRSCADQ: Ability to walk up a flight of stairs at allnot required0int N/A
ESTAIRSDADQ: Difficulty walking up a flight of stairsnot required0int N/A
ESTANDDADQ: Difficulty standing or being on feetnot required0int N/A
ESTLEMP1JB: Does ... still work for this employer?not required0int N/A
ESTLEMP2JB: Does ... still work for this employer?not required0int N/A
ESTOOPDADQ: Difficulty stooping, crouching, or kneelingnot required0int N/A
ESTSSIGI: Receipt of State administered SSI (ISS Code 4)not required0int N/A
ESUPAGRMSUP: Sup pays ct ordered or another type of agreementnot required0int N/A
ESUPAGTYSUP: Type of agreementnot required0int N/A
ESUPAGYRSUP: Year agreement first reachednot required0int N/A
ESUPAMTCSUP: Original dollar amount ever changednot required0int N/A
ESUPCHAGSUP: Dollar changed agreed by court or agencynot required0int N/A
ESUPCUSTSUP: Type of custody arrangementnot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT1SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT2SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT3SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT4SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT5SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHLT6SUP: Type of health care costs includednot required0int N/A
ESUPHOPYSUP: How were payments madenot required0int N/A
ESUPKDYNSUP: Support payments for child(ren) living outside HHnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTHASUP: Any other child support agreements?not required0int N/A
ESUPOTLISUP: Where was support person livingnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTLVSUP: Where was support person livingnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTNTSUP: Amount paid to support personnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTPYSUP: Any payments for other personsnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTRESUP: Relationship to person supportingnot required0int N/A
ESUPOTRLSUP: Relationship to person supportingnot required0int N/A
ESUPSPTMSUP: Agreement specify time spent?not required0int N/A
ESUPSTLPSUP: Still supposed to pay child supportnot required0int N/A
ESUPTAM1SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)not required0int N/A
ESUPTAM2SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)(A)not required0int N/A
ESUPTAM3SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)(A)not required0int N/A
ESUPTMA1SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)not required0int N/A
ESUPTMA2SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)not required0int N/A
ESUPTMA3SUP: Total time spent with child(ren)not required0int N/A
ESUPTYP1SUP: Support paid for child(ren) outside hhldnot required0int N/A
ESUPTYP2SUP: Lump pay for support of child(ren) outside HHnot required0int N/A
ESUPTYP3SUP: Reg and lump payments for child(ren) living out HHnot required0int N/A
ESUPWOAGSUP: Any payments made with no agreementnot required0int N/A
ESUPYRCHSUP: Year amount last changednot required0int N/A
ESVJTAS: Ownership of jointly held savings accountnot required0int N/A
ESVOASTAS: Ownership of solely held savings accountnot required0int N/A
ETAXPLANHB: Special tax treatment for health plannot required0int N/A
ETELECADQ: Ability to use a telephone at allnot required0int N/A
ETELEDADQ: Difficulty using an ordinary telephonenot required0int N/A
ETENUREHH: Ownership status of living quartersnot required0int N/A
ETIMEAMTHB: Frequency paid this amountnot required0int N/A
ETIMPLANHB: Frequency of health insurance paymentsnot required0int N/A
ETOILETDADQ: Difficulty using or getting to the toiletnot required0int N/A
ETOILETHADQ: Need help using or getting to the toiletnot required0int N/A
ETUITIO1SE: Local resident tuitionnot required0int N/A
ETYPASK1CS: Locate the other parentnot required0int N/A
ETYPASK2CS: Establish paternitynot required0int N/A
ETYPASK3CS: Establish support obligationnot required0int N/A
ETYPASK4CS: Establish medical supportnot required0int N/A
ETYPASK5CS: Enforce support ordernot required0int N/A
ETYPASK6CS: Modify ordernot required0int N/A
ETYPASK7CS: Other reasonnot required0int N/A
ETYPDADPE: Type of child to fathernot required0int N/A
ETYPEAGRCS: Type of child support agreementsnot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP1CS: Locate the other parentnot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP2CS: Establish paternitynot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP3CS: Establish support obligationnot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP4CS: Establish medical supportnot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP5CS: Enforce support ordernot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP6CS: Modify ordernot required0int N/A
ETYPHLP7CS: Other reasonnot required0int N/A
ETYPMOMPE: Type of child to mothernot required0int N/A
EUECTYP5GI: Receipt of State unemployment comp. (ISS Code 5)not required0int N/A
EUECTYP7GI: Receipt of other unemployment comp. (ISS Code 7)not required0int N/A
EUNION1JB: Union/employee-association membershipnot required0int N/A
EUNION2JB: Union/employee-association membershipnot required0int N/A
EUNITSHH: Number of housing unitsnot required0int N/A
EUTILYNHH: Payment of utilities in public housing unitsnot required0int N/A
EVAQUESAF: Veteran's annual income questionnairenot required0int N/A
EVAYNAF: Receipt of payments from the VA this wavenot required0int N/A
EVETTYPAF: Type of Veteran's paymentsnot required0int N/A
EWALK2DADQ: Difficulty walkingnot required0int N/A
EWALK2HADQ: Need help walkingnot required0int N/A
EWALKCADQ: Ability to walk a quarter of a mile at allnot required0int N/A
EWALKDADQ: Difficulty walking a quarter of a milenot required0int N/A
EWCHAIRADQ: Use of wheelchair or an electric scooternot required0int N/A
EWHEHEALHB: Source of health insurancenot required0int N/A
EWHERLV1CS: Place where other parent livesnot required0int N/A
EWHERLV2CS: Other parent's residencenot required0int N/A
EWHERLV3CS: Place where other parent livesnot required0int N/A
EWHERLV4CS: Place where other parent livesnot required0int N/A
EWHOCHGDCS: Change made by government agencynot required0int N/A
EWHOCOV1HB: Coverage available for spousenot required0int N/A
EWHOCOV2HB: Coverage available for childrennot required0int N/A
EWHOCOV3HB: Coverage available for grandchildrennot required0int N/A
EWHOCOV4HB: Coverage available for other family membersnot required0int N/A
EWHOCOV5HB: Coverage available for non-family membersnot required0int N/A
EWHOMOV1CS: Person that movednot required0int N/A
EWHOMOV2CS: Person that movednot required0int N/A
EWHOPLN1HB: Spouse may obtain coverage under the plannot required0int N/A
EWHOPLN2HB: Children may obtain coverage under the plannot required0int N/A
EWHOPLN3HB: Grandchildren may obtain coverage under the plannot required0int N/A
EWHOPLN4HB: Other family members may obtain coverage under the plannot required0int N/A
EWHOPLN5HB: Non-family members may obtain coverage under the plannot required0int N/A
EWHOREFHB: Plan pays for doctor visits without a referralnot required0int N/A
EWHYNO1HB: Reason no longer covered - eligibility period expirednot required0int N/A
EWHYNO10HB: Reason no longer covered - became ineligiblenot required0int N/A
EWHYNO11HB: Reason no longer covered - employer dropped plannot required0int N/A
EWHYNO12HB: Reason no longer covered - canceled for retireesnot required0int N/A
EWHYNO13HB: Reason no longer covered - other reasonnot required0int N/A
EWHYNO2HB: Reason no longer covered - too expensivenot required0int N/A
EWHYNO3HB: Reason no longer covered - covered by another plannot required0int N/A
EWHYNO4HB: Reason no longer covered - did not want/need coveragenot required0int N/A
EWHYNO5HB: Reason no longer covered - Medicare coveragenot required0int N/A
EWHYNO6HB: Reason no longer covered - not eligible for pensionnot required0int N/A
EWHYNO7HB: Reason no longer covered - requirements not metnot required0int N/A
EWHYNO8HB: Reason no longer covered - retirees not coverednot required0int N/A
EWHYNO9HB: Reason no longer covered - age/service not metnot required0int N/A
EWICYNGI: Recipiency of WIC (ISS Code 25)not required0int N/A
EWKFAREWR: Workfare/training -- workfare or community servicenot required0int N/A
EWRKHRSSE: If allowed to take class during work hoursnot required0int N/A
EYEAREMPHB: Number of years worked for former employernot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR1CS: Reason: Legal paternity not establishednot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR2CS: Reason: Unable to locate parentnot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR3CS: Reason: Other parent unable to paynot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR4CS: Reason: Final agreement pendingnot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR5CS: Accepted property settlement in lieu of child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR6CS: Reason: Did not want a legal child support awardnot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR7CS: Reason: Did not try to get child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNEVWR8CS: Reason: Some other reasonnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB01CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB02CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB03CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB04CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB05CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB06CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB07CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB08CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB09CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAB10CS: Parent not living outside of householdnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG11CS: Reason: Legal paternity not establishednot required0int N/A
EYNOAG12CS: Reason: Unable to locate parentnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG13CS: Reason: Other parent unable to paynot required0int N/A
EYNOAG14CS: Reason: Final agreement pendingnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG15CS: Reason: Accepted settlement for child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG16CS: Reason: Did not want a legal child support awardnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG17CS: Reason: Did not try to get child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG18CS: Reason: Some other reasonnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG21CS: Reason: Legal paternity not establishednot required0int N/A
EYNOAG22CS: Reason: Unable to locate parentnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG23CS: Reason: Other parent unable to paynot required0int N/A
EYNOAG24CS: Reason: Final agreement pendingnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG25CS: Reason: Accepted settlement for child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG26CS: Reason: Did not want a legal child support awardnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG27CS: Reason: Did not try to get child supportnot required0int N/A
EYNOAG28CS: Reason: Some other reasonnot required0int N/A
EYNODUE1CS: Reason payment was not duenot required0int N/A
EYNODUE2CS: Reasons payment was not duenot required0int N/A
EYRCHNG1CS: Year the amount was last changednot required0int N/A
EYRCHNG2CS: Year the amount was last changednot required0int N/A
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
GHLFSAMSU: Half Sample Codenot required0int N/A
GRGCSU: Reduction Group Codenot required0int N/A
GVARSTRSU: Variance Stratum Codenot required0int N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
KABATHDFCDQ: Allocation flag for KEBATHDFnot required0int N/A
KABATHHCDQ: Allocation flag for KEBATHHnot required0int N/A
KABEDDIFCDQ: Allocation flag for KEBEDDIFnot required0int N/A
KABEDHLPCDQ: Allocation flag for KEBEDHLPnot required0int N/A
KACANECDQ: Allocation flag for KECANEnot required0int N/A
KACANE6CDQ: Allocation flag for KECANE6not required0int N/A
KADEVDISCDQ: Allocation flag for KEDEVDISnot required0int N/A
KADRESSDCDQ: Allocation flag for KEDRESSDnot required0int N/A
KADRESSHCDQ: Allocation flag for KEDRESSHnot required0int N/A
KAEATDIFCDQ: Allocation flag for KEEATDIFnot required0int N/A
KAEATHLPCDQ: Allocation flag for KEEATHLPnot required0int N/A
KAHEARADCDQ: Allocation flag for KEHEARADnot required0int N/A
KAHEARDFCDQ: Allocation flag for KEHEARDF.not required0int N/A
KAHEARNTCDQ: Allocation flag for KEHEARNTnot required0int N/A
KAINDIFCDQ: Allocation flag for KEINDIFnot required0int N/A
KAINHELPCDQ: Allocation flag for KEINHELPnot required0int N/A
KAMOTORVCDQ: Allocation flag for KEMOTORVnot required0int N/A
KAMRCDQ: Allocation flag for KEMRnot required0int N/A
KASEEDIFCDQ: Allocation flag for KESEEDIFnot required0int N/A
KASEENOTCDQ: Allocation flag for KESEENOT.not required0int N/A
KASOCIALCDQ: Allocation flag for ESOCIALnot required0int N/A
KASPECHCCDQ: Allocation flag for KESPECHCnot required0int N/A
KASPECHDCDQ: Allocation flag for KESPECHDnot required0int N/A
KATOILTDCDQ: Allocation flag for KETOILTDnot required0int N/A
KATOILTHCDQ: Allocation flag for KETOILTHnot required0int N/A
KAWCHAIRCDQ: Allocation flag for KEWCHAIRnot required0int N/A
KEBATHDFCDQ: Difficulty taking a bath or a showernot required0int N/A
KEBATHHCDQ: Needs help taking a bath or a showernot required0int N/A
KEBEDDIFCDQ: Difficulty getting in/out of a bed/chairnot required0int N/A
KEBEDHLPCDQ: Needs help getting in/out of a bed/chairnot required0int N/A
KECANECDQ7@1: Use of a cane/crutches/walkernot required0int N/A
KECANE6CDQ: Use of a cane/crutches/walker for six monthsnot required0int N/A
KEDEVDISCDQ: Developmental disabilitynot required0int N/A
KEDRESSDCDQ: Difficulty putting on clothesnot required0int N/A
KEDRESSHCDQ: Needs help putting on clothesnot required0int N/A
KEEATDIFCDQ: Difficulty eating foodnot required0int N/A
KEEATHLPCDQ: Needs help eating foodnot required0int N/A
KEHEARADCDQ: Use of a hearing aidnot required0int N/A
KEHEARDFCDQ: Difficulty hearingnot required0int N/A
KEHEARNTCDQ: Ability to hear at allnot required0int N/A
KEINDIFCDQ: Getting around inside the homenot required0int N/A
KEINHELPCDQ: Needs help getting around inside the homenot required0int N/A
KEMOTORVCDQ: Any condition a result of motor vehicle accidentnot required0int N/A
KEMRCDQ: Mental retardationnot required0int N/A
KESEEDIFCDQ9: Difficulty seeing words/lettersnot required0int N/A
KESEENOTCDQ: Ability to see ordinary newspaper print at allnot required0int N/A
KESOCIALCDQ: Difficulty playing/getting along with childrennot required0int N/A
KESPECHCCDQ: Having speech understood at allnot required0int N/A
KESPECHDCDQ: Difficulty having speech understoodnot required0int N/A
KETOILTDCDQ: Difficulty using or getting to the toiletnot required0int N/A
KETOILTHCDQ: Needs help using or getting to the toiletnot required0int N/A
KEWCHAIRCDQ: Use of a wheelchair or an electric scooternot required0int N/A
RAB1R1GI: First reason for applying for AFDC the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RAB1R2GI: Second reason for applying for AFDC the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RAB2R1GI: First reason for applying for AFDC the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RAB2R2GI: Second reason for applying for AFDC the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RANYAGRECS: Child support payments ever agreed to or awardednot required0int N/A
RAS1GI: Reason for stopping AFDC the first timenot required0int N/A
RAS2GI: Reason for stopping AFDC the second timenot required0int N/A
RBLKLRSNGI: Reason for receipt of black lung paymentnot required0int N/A
RCARNSE: Recode of Carnegie classificationnot required0int N/A
RCHAMPMHI: Military related health care coverage in this monthnot required0int N/A
RCHGPERSE: Basis for tuition costsnot required0int N/A
RCOSTSE: Recoded room and board costnot required0int N/A
RCUOW21APE: Person number of first owner of Gen Assist coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOW21BPE: Person number of second owner of Gen Assist coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOW24APE: Person number of first owner of other welfare coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOW24BPE: Person number of second owner of other welfare coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOW58APE: Person num. of first owner of Health Insurance coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOW58BPE: Person num. of second owner of Health Insurance coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN01PE: Person number of the owner of the SS coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN03PE: Person number of the owner of the Federal SSI coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN04PE: Person number of the owner of the State SSI coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN20PE: Person number of the owner of the AFDC coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN23PE: Person number of owner of Foster Child Care coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN25PE: Person number of the owner of the WIC coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN27PE: Person number of the owner of the Food Stamp coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN57PE: Person number of the owner of the Medicaid coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN8APE: Person number of the 1st owner of Vet. coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUOWN8BPE: Person number of the 2nd owner of Vet. coveragenot required0int N/A
RCUTYP01PE: Social Security coverage flag (ISS 1)not required0int N/A
RCUTYP03PE: Federal SSI coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP04PE: State SSI coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP08PE: Veteran payment coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP20PE: AFDC program coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP21PE: General Assistance coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP23PE: Foster Child Care coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP24PE: Other welfare coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP25PE: WIC coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP27PE: Food Stamp coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP57PE: Medicaid coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RCUTYP58PE: Health Insurance coverage flagnot required0int N/A
RDEGREESE: Type of degree the student is working towardnot required0int N/A
RDESGPNTPE: Designated parent or guardian flagnot required0int N/A
RECRDFLGCS: Record indicator.not required0int N/A
REDAID01SE: Whether the student received a Pell grantnot required0int N/A
REDAID02SE: Whether the student received veteran's benefitsnot required0int N/A
REDAID03SE: Whether the student received work studynot required0int N/A
REDAID04SE: Whether student received any other federal grantnot required0int N/A
REDAID05SE: Whether the student received a loannot required0int N/A
REDAID06SE: Whether the student received aid from the schoolnot required0int N/A
REDAID07SE: Whether the student received an assistantshipnot required0int N/A
REDAID08SE: Whether the student received state aidnot required0int N/A
REDAID09SE: Whether student received other grants/scholarshipsnot required0int N/A
REDAID10SE: Whether the student received employer assistancenot required0int N/A
REDAID11SE: Whether the student received aid from other sourcenot required0int N/A
REMPDRSNGI: Reason for receipt of employer disability paymentsnot required0int N/A
REMPLOCAHB: Number of people employed by former employernot required0int N/A
RENRLMAED: Full period enrollment statusnot required0int N/A
RENROLDSE: Whether person was ever enrolled in past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
RENROLLED: Enrolled Full/Part sometime during 4 month periodnot required0int N/A
RESTARSNGI: Reason for receiving income from estates and trustsnot required0int N/A
RFB1R1GI: First reason for applying for Food Stamps the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RFB1R2GI: 2nd reason for applying for Food Stamps the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RFB2R1GI: 1st reason for applying for Food Stamps the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RFB2R2GI: 2nd reason for applying for Food Stamps the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RFCHANGEFA: Change in family composition from previous monthnot required0int N/A
RFCSRSNGI: Reason for receipt of federal civilian pensionnot required0int N/A
RFIDFA: Family ID Number for this monthnot required0int N/A
RFID2FA: Family ID excluding related subfamily membersnot required0int N/A
RFLPTIMESE: Whether the student was enrolled full or part-timenot required0int N/A
RFNKIDSFA: Total number of children under 18 in familynot required0int N/A
RFNSSRFA: Number of Social Security recipients in familynot required0int N/A
RFOKLT18FA: Number of own children under 18 in familynot required0int N/A
RFOWNKIDFA: Number of own children in familynot required0int N/A
RFS1GI: Reason for stopping Food Stamps the first timenot required0int N/A
RFS2GI: Reason for stopping Food Stamps the second timenot required0int N/A
RFULLCSTSE: Recoded variable of whether payment was full tuitionnot required0int N/A
RGB1R1GI: 1st reason applying for General Asst the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RGB1R2GI: 2nd reason applying for General Asst the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RGB2R1GI: 1st reason applying for General Asst the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RGB2R2GI: 2nd reason applying for General Asst the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RGS1GI: Reason for stopping General Assist the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RGS2GI: Reason for stopping General Assist the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RHCALMNSU: Calendar month for this reference month.not required0int N/A
RHCALYRSU: Calendar year for this reference monthnot required0int N/A
RHCBRFHH: Household cash benefits receipt flagnot required0int N/A
RHCHANGEHH: Change in household composition from previous monthnot required0int N/A
RHMTRFHH: Household means-tested cash or noncash receipt flagnot required0int N/A
RHNBRFHH: Household noncash benefits receipt flagnot required0int N/A
RHNFHH: Number of families and pseudo families in this hhldnot required0int N/A
RHNFAMHH: No. of fams and psuedo fams (excluding related subs)not required0int N/A
RHNSFHH: Number of related subfamilies for this householdnot required0int N/A
RHNSSRHH: Number of Social Security recipients in householdnot required0int N/A
RHTYPEHH: Household typenot required0int N/A
RINSRSNGI: Reason for payment from own insurance policynot required0int N/A
RIOSTATESE: School in-state/out-of-state most of past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
RLGOVRSNGI: Reason for receipt of local government pensionnot required0int N/A
RLIFIRSNGI: Reason for payments from paid-up life ins. policynot required0int N/A
RLWPARSE: Whether student lived with parents or guardiannot required0int N/A
RMEDCODEHI: Type of Medicare Coveragenot required0int N/A
RMESRLF: Employment status recode for monthnot required0int N/A
RMHRSWKLF: Usual hours worked per week recode in monthnot required0int N/A
RMILRSNGI: Reason for receipt of U.S. military retirementnot required0int N/A
RMWKLKGLF: Number of weeks looking for work/on layoff in monthnot required0int N/A
RMWKSABLF: Number of weeks absent without pay from job in monthnot required0int N/A
RMWKWJBLF: Number of weeks with a job in monthnot required0int N/A
RNKBRKHH: Number of children receiving complete breakfastnot required0int N/A
RNKLUNHH: Number of children receiving lunch at schoolnot required0int N/A
RNOTAKELF: Reason couldn't start jobnot required0int N/A
ROB1R1GI: 1st reason applying for Other Welfare the 1st timenot required0int N/A
ROB1R2GI: 2nd reason applying for Other Welfare the 1st timenot required0int N/A
ROB2R1GI: 1st reason applying for Other Welfare the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
ROB2R2GI: 2nd reason applying for Other Welfare the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
ROPENSE: Open admissionsnot required0int N/A
ROS1GI: Reason for stopping Other Welfare the first timenot required0int N/A
ROS2GI: Reason for stopping Other Welfare the second timenot required0int N/A
ROTHRRSNGI: Reason for receipt of 'other' retirement incomenot required0int N/A
RPCTMINSE: Percent minoritynot required0int N/A
RPENSRSNGI: Reason for pension from company or unionnot required0int N/A
RPRGQUESHH: Flag indicating transfer of program question datanot required0int N/A
RPRVHIHI: Recode for types of private health insurance coveragenot required0int N/A
RPYPER1JB: How often was .. paid at this job?not required0int N/A
RPYPER2JB: How often was .. paid at this job?not required0int N/A
RRRSNGI: Reason for receipt of Railroad Retirement paynot required0int N/A
RSB1R1GI: 1st reason applying for SSI the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RSB1R2GI: 2nd reason applying for SSI the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RSB2R1GI: 1st reason applying for SSI the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RSB2R2GI: 2nd reason applying for SSI the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RSCHANGESF: Change in rel subfam composition from previous monthnot required0int N/A
RSIDFA: Related or unrelated subfamily ID Number for this monthnot required0int N/A
RSS1GI: Reason for stopping SSI the first timenot required0int N/A
RSS2GI: Reason for stopping SSI the second timenot required0int N/A
RSTATRSNGI: Reason for receipt of state government pensionnot required0int N/A
RTAKJOBLF: Could ... have started a job during missing weeks?not required0int N/A
RVETSRSNGI: Reason for receipt of Veterans' comp. or pensionsnot required0int N/A
RWB1R1GI: First reason for applying for WIC the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RWB1R2GI: Second reason for applying for WIC the 1st timenot required0int N/A
RWB2R1GI: First reason for applying for WIC the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RWB2R2GI: Second reason for applying for WIC the 2nd timenot required0int N/A
RWCMPRSNGI: Reason for receipt of workers' compensationnot required0int N/A
RWKESR1LF: Employment Status Recode for Week 1not required0int N/A
RWKESR2LF: Employment Status Recode for Week 2not required0int N/A
RWKESR3LF: Employment Status Recode for Week 3not required0int N/A
RWKESR4LF: Employment Status Recode for Week 4not required0int N/A
RWKESR5LF: Employment Status Recode for Week 5not required0int N/A
RWKSPERMLF: Number of weeks in this monthnot required0int N/A
RWS1GI: Reason for stopping WIC the first timenot required0int N/A
RWS2GI: Reason for stopping WIC the second timenot required0int N/A
SHHADIDSU: Hhld Address ID differentiates hhlds in sample unitnot required0int N/A
SINTHHIDSU: Hhld Address ID of person in interview monthnot required0int N/A
SPANELSU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Yearnot required0int N/A
SREFMONSU: Reference month of this recordnot required0int N/A
SROTATONSU: Rotation of data collectionnot required0int N/A
SSUIDSU: Sample Unit Identifiernot required0string N/A
SSUSEQSU: Sequence Number of Sample Unit - Primary Sort Keynot required0int N/A
SWAVESU: Wave of data collectionnot required0int N/A
T01AMTAGI: Amount of Social Security - Adult (ISS Code 1)not required0int N/A
T01AMTKGI: Amount of Social Security - Child (ISS Code 1)not required0int N/A
T02AMTGI: Amount of Railroad Retirement (ISS Code 2)not required0int N/A
T03AMTAGI: Amount of Federal SSI - Adult (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
T03AMTKGI: Amount of Federal SSI - Child (ISS Code 3)not required0int N/A
T04AMTGI: Amount of State SSI (ISS Code 4)not required0int N/A
T05AMTGI: Amount of State unemployment compensationnot required0int N/A
T07AMTGI: Amount of other unemployment compensationnot required0int N/A
T08AMTGI: Amount of Veterans compensation or pensionnot required0int N/A
T09AMTGI: Amount of black lung payment (ISS Code 9)not required0int N/A
T10AMTGI: Amount of workers' compensation (ISS Code 10)not required0int N/A
T12AMTGI: Amount of employer/union temp. sickness benefitsnot required0int N/A
T13AMTGI: Amount of own sickness, accident, disability insur.not required0int N/A
T14AMTGI: Amount of employer disability payments (ISS Code 14)not required0int N/A
T15AMTGI: Amount of severance pay (ISS Code 15)not required0int N/A
T20AMTGI: Amount of AFDC,ADC (ISS Code 20)not required0int N/A
T21AMTGI: Amount of General Assistance or General Reliefnot required0int N/A
T23AMTGI: Amount of foster child care payments (ISS Code 23)not required0int N/A
T24AMTGI: Amount of other welfare (ISS Code 24)not required0int N/A
T25AMTGI: Amount of WIC payments (ISS Code 25)not required0int N/A
T26AMTGI: Amount of pass-through child support paymentsnot required0int N/A
T27AMTGI: Amount of Food Stamps (ISS Code 27)not required0int N/A
T28AMTGI: Amount of child support payments (ISS Code 28)not required0int N/A
T29AMTGI: Amount of alimony payments (ISS Code 29)not required0int N/A
T30AMTGI: Amount of pension from a company or unionnot required0int N/A
T31AMTGI: Amount of Federal Civil Service pension (ISS Code 31)not required0int N/A
T32AMTGI: Amount of U.S. Military retirement paynot required0int N/A
T34AMTGI: Amount of State government pension (ISS Code 34)not required0int N/A
T35AMTGI: Amount of local government pension (ISS Code 35)not required0int N/A
T36AMTGI: Amount of income from paid-up life insurance policynot required0int N/A
T37AMTGI: Amount from estates or trusts (ISS Code 37)not required0int N/A
T38AMTGI: Amt. from other retirement, disability or survivornot required0int N/A
T39AMTGI: Amount of pension/retirement lump sums (ISS Code 39)not required0int N/A
T42AMTGI: Amount of draw from an IRA/Keough/401k or Thrift Plannot required0int N/A
T50AMTGI: Amount of income assistance from a charitable groupnot required0int N/A
T51AMTGI: Amount of money from relatives or friendsnot required0int N/A
T52AMTGI: Amount of lump sum payments (ISS Code 52)not required0int N/A
T53AMTGI: Amount of income from roomers or boardersnot required0int N/A
T55AMTGI: Amount of incidental or casual earningsnot required0int N/A
T56AMTGI: Amount of miscellaneous cash incomenot required0int N/A
T75AMTGI: Amount of other government income (ISS Code 75)not required0int N/A
TACTREC1CS: Amount received for agreementnot required0int N/A
TACTREC2CS: Amount received for agreementnot required0int N/A
TACTREC3CS: Amount received in child support agreementsnot required0int N/A
TACTREC4CS: Amount actually receivednot required0int N/A
TAGEPE: Age as of last birthdaynot required0int N/A
TAMTAG11CS: Amount of support agreementnot required0int N/A
TAMTAG21CS: Amount of support agreementnot required0int N/A
TAMTAG31CS: Dollar amount for the agreementnot required0int N/A
TAMTASSTSE: Recoded amount of tuition reductionnot required0int N/A
TAMTCG11CS: The dollar amount for the agreementnot required0int N/A
TAMTCG21CS: The dollar amount for the agreementnot required0int N/A
TAMTLONGHB: Amount paid for long term care plannot required0int N/A
TAMTPLANHB: Amount person paid for health plannot required0int N/A
TAMTSUP1CS: The dollar amount of child support agreementsnot required0int N/A
TAMTSUP2CS: The dollar amount of child support agreementsnot required0int N/A
TBDJTINTAS: Amnt of monthly interest from joint municipal bondsnot required0int N/A
TBDOINTAS: Amount of monthly interest from own municipal bondsnot required0int N/A
TBMSUM1BS: Income received this monthnot required0int N/A
TBMSUM2BS: Income received this monthnot required0int N/A
TBSIND1BS: Industry codenot required0int N/A
TBSIND2BS: Industry codenot required0int N/A
TBSOCC1BS: Occupation codenot required0int N/A
TBSOCC2BS: Occupation codenot required0int N/A
TBYEARPE: Year of birthnot required0int N/A
TCDJTINTAS: Amount of monthly interest from joint CDsnot required0int N/A
TCDOINTAS: Amount of monthly interest from solely owned CDsnot required0int N/A
TCKJTINTAS: Amount of mnthly interest from joint checking accountnot required0int N/A
TCKOINTAS: Amount of monthly interest from own checking accountnot required0int N/A
TCSAGYGI: Amount received by Agency on ...'s behalfnot required0int N/A
TCSTRMBSE: Cost of room and board without discounts/waiversnot required0int N/A
TCSTTRANSE: Cost of transportation to permanent homenot required0int N/A
TDIVINCAS: Total amount of all dividend incomenot required0int N/A
TEBDATE1BS: Date operation of business endednot required0int N/A
TEBDATE2BS: Date operation of business endednot required0int N/A
TEDAMT01SE: Percent of total asst from Pell grantnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT02SE: Percent of total asst from VA benefitsnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT03SE: Percent of total asst from work studynot required0int N/A
TEDAMT04SE: Percent of total asst from other federal aidnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT05SE: Percent of total asst from a loannot required0int N/A
TEDAMT06SE: Percent of total asst from aid from the schoolnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT07SE: Percent of total asst from the schoolnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT08SE: Percent of total asst from state aidnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT09SE: Percent of total asst from other grants/scholarshipsnot required0int N/A
TEDAMT10SE: Percent of total asst from employer assistancenot required0int N/A
TEDAMT11SE: Percent of total asst from any other sourcenot required0int N/A
TEJDATE1JB: Ending date of jobnot required0int N/A
TEJDATE2JB: Ending date of jobnot required0int N/A
TEMPALL1JB: Number of employees at all locationsnot required0int N/A
TEMPALL2JB: Number of employees at all locationsnot required0int N/A
TEMPB1BS: Maximum number of employeesnot required0int N/A
TEMPB2BS: Maximum number of employeesnot required0int N/A
TEMPSIZ1JB: Employees at worker's locationnot required0int N/A
TEMPSIZ2JB: Employees at worker's locationnot required0int N/A
TENDSALAHB: Amount earned per week from former employernot required0int N/A
TFAFDCFA: Total Family Aid to Families w/Dependent Childrennot required0int N/A
TFEARNFA: Total family earned income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TFFDSTPFA: Total Family Food Stamps Received Recodenot required0int N/A
TFIPSSTHH: FIPS State Codenot required0(not a predicate) N/A
TFLUMPSMFA: Family retirement lump sum paymentsnot required0int N/A
TFOTHINCFA: Total 'other' family income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TFPNDISTFA: Family distributions from pension plansnot required0int N/A
TFPOVFA: Low income cutoff for this familynot required0int N/A
TFPRPINCFA: Total family property income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TFSOCSECFA: Total Family Social Security Income Recodenot required0int N/A
TFSSIFA: Total Family Supplemental Security Income Recodenot required0int N/A
TFTOTINCFA: Total family income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TFTRNINCFA: Total family means-tested cash transfers for this monthnot required0int N/A
TFUNEMPFA: Total Family Unemployment Income Recodenot required0int N/A
TFVETSFA: Total Family Veterans Payments Recodenot required0int N/A
TGVJTINTAS: Amount of monthly int from joint US Govt securitiesnot required0int N/A
TGVOINTAS: Amount of monthly int from own US Govt securitiesnot required0int N/A
THAFDCHH: Total household AFDC incomenot required0int N/A
THBINDHB: Industry of former employernot required0int N/A
THBOCCHB: Occupation in former employernot required0int N/A
THEARNHH: Total household earned incomenot required0int N/A
THFDSTPHH: Total Household Food Stamps Received Recodenot required0int N/A
THLUMPSMHH: Retirement lump sum paymentsnot required0int N/A
THNONCSHHH: Total Household Noncash Income Recodenot required0int N/A
THOTHINCHH: Total 'other' household incomenot required0int N/A
THPNDISTHH: Distributions from pension plansnot required0int N/A
THPOVHH: Low income cutoff for this householdnot required0int N/A
THPRPINCHH: Total household property incomenot required0int N/A
THSOCSECHH: Total Household Social Security Income Recodenot required0int N/A
THSSIHH: Total Household Supplemental Security Income Recodenot required0int N/A
THTOTINCHH: Total household incomenot required0int N/A
THTRNINCHH: Total household means-tested cash transfersnot required0int N/A
THUNEMPHH: Total Household Unemployment Income Recodenot required0int N/A
THVETSHH: Total Household Veterans Payments Recodenot required0int N/A
TINTINCAS: Amount of all interest incomenot required0int N/A
TJACLRAS: Amt of net rent from prop. held jointly with spousenot required0int N/A
TJACLR2AS: Amount of net income from rental property with othersnot required0int N/A
TJARNTAS: Amount of gross rent from property joint with spousenot required0int N/A
TJBOCC1JB: Occupation classification codenot required0int N/A
TJBOCC2JB: Occupational classification codenot required0int N/A
TLEFTJOBHB: Year left former jobnot required0int N/A
TMDJTINTAS: Amount of monthly interest on joint money marketnot required0int N/A
TMDOINTAS: Amt of monthly interest from own money markt depositnot required0int N/A
TMETROHH: Metro/Residual statusnot required0int N/A
TMIJNTAS: Amount of interest paid on mortgage owned with spousenot required0int N/A
TMIOWNAS: Amount of interest paid on own mortgagenot required0int N/A
TMJADIVAS: Amount of dividends credited to joint margin accountnot required0int N/A
TMJNTDIVAS: Amount of check from jointly held mutual fundsnot required0int N/A
TMLMSUMLF: Amount of income from moonlighting in this monthnot required0int N/A
TMOWNADVAS: Amount of dividends credited to own margin accountnot required0int N/A
TMOWNDIVAS: Amount of check from solely held mutual fundsnot required0int N/A
TMSAHH: CMSA/PMSA/MSA Codenot required0int N/A
TMTHRNTHH: Amount of monthly rentnot required0int N/A
TNUMAGRCS: Number of child support agreementsnot required0int N/A
TOACLRAS: Amount of net income from own rental propertynot required0int N/A
TOARNTAS: Amount of gross rent from own propertynot required0int N/A
TOTHCOSTSE: Total cost of books, supplies and equipmentnot required0int N/A
TOTHPROPAS: Amount of total other property incomenot required0int N/A
TPEARNPE: Total person's earned income for the reference monthnot required0int N/A
TPLUMPSMPE: Retirement lump sum paymentsnot required0int N/A
TPMSUM1JB: Earnings from job received in this monthnot required0int N/A
TPMSUM2JB: Earnings from job received in this month.not required0int N/A
TPOTHINCPE: Total person's other income for the reference monthnot required0int N/A
TPPNDISTPE: Distributions from pension plansnot required0int N/A
TPPRPINCPE: Total property (asset) income for the monthnot required0int N/A
TPRFTB1BS: Net profit or lossnot required0int N/A
TPRFTB2BS: Net profit or lossnot required0int N/A
TPTOTINCPE: Total person's income for the reference monthnot required0int N/A
TPTRNINCPE: Total means-tested cash transfer for the reference monthnot required0int N/A
TPYRATE1JB: Regular hourly pay ratenot required0int N/A
TPYRATE2JB: Regular hourly pay ratenot required0int N/A
TRNDUP1AS: Amount of income from royaltiesnot required0int N/A
TRNDUP2AS: Amount of other income from financial investmentsnot required0int N/A
TROLLAMTGI: Amnt rolled over into retirement acct in ref. periodnot required0int N/A
TSAFDCSF: Total related subfamily AFDC incomenot required0int N/A
TSBDATE1BS: Date operation of business begannot required0int N/A
TSBDATE2BS: Date operation of business begannot required0int N/A
TSECTORSE: Level and control of schoolnot required0int N/A
TSELFAMTSE: Amount the student contributed to education costsnot required0int N/A
TSFDSTPSF: Total related subfamily Food Stamps incomenot required0int N/A
TSFEARNSF: Total related subfamily earned income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TSFPOVSF: Low income cutoff for this related subfamilynot required0int N/A
TSJADIVAS: Amount of dividend credited to a joint margin accntnot required0int N/A
TSJDATE1JB: Starting date of jobnot required0int N/A
TSJDATE2JB: Starting date of jobnot required0int N/A
TSJNTDIVAS: Amount of dividend check from jointly held stocksnot required0int N/A
TSLUMPSMSF: Related subfamily retirement lump sum paymentsnot required0int N/A
TSOTHINCSF: Total 'other' related subfamily income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TSOWNADVAS: Amount of dividend credited solely held margin accntnot required0int N/A
TSOWNDIVAS: Amount of dividend check for solely held stocksnot required0int N/A
TSPNDISTSF: Related subfamily distributions from pension plansnot required0int N/A
TSPRPINCSF: Total related subfamily property inc for this monthnot required0int N/A
TSSOCSECSF: Total related subfamily Social Security incomenot required0int N/A
TSSSISF: Total related subfamily Supplemental Security Incomenot required0int N/A
TSTOTINCSF: Total related subfamily income for this monthnot required0int N/A
TSTRNINCSF: Total related subfamily means-tested cash transfersnot required0int N/A
TSUNEMPSF: Total related subfamily unemployment income recodenot required0int N/A
TSUPAMADSUP: Amount paid in past year for another agreementnot required0int N/A
TSUPAMALSUP: Amount paid in past year for another agreementnot required0int N/A
TSUPAMPDSUP: How much paid in past yearnot required0int N/A
TSUPLTADSUP: Number of children under 18 years old supportingnot required0int N/A
TSUPNAGRSUP: Number of children covered by a agreementnot required0int N/A
TSUPNKIDSUP: Number of children supportingnot required0int N/A
TSUPOTAMSUP: Amount paid to support personnot required0int N/A
TSUPOTNPSUP: Number of other persons support payment fornot required0int N/A
TSUPOTPASUP: Amount paid to support personnot required0int N/A
TSVETSSF: Total related subfamily Veterans Paymentsnot required0int N/A
TSVJTINTAS: Amount of monthly interest on joint savings accountnot required0int N/A
TSVOINTAS: Amount of monthly interest from own savings accountnot required0int N/A
TTOTAMTSE Total aid the student received in the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
TTUITIONSE: Recoded amount paid for tuition and feesnot required0int N/A
TYEAR1ADQ: Year when main condition first begannot required0int N/A
UAF1AF: UNEDITED - When did ... first serve on active duty?not required0int N/A
UAF2AF: UNEDITED - When did ... next serve on active duty?not required0int N/A
UAF3AF: UNEDITED - When did ... next serve on active duty?not required0int N/A
UAF4AF: UNEDITED - When did ... next serve on active duty?not required0int N/A
UAF5AF: UNEDITED - When did ... next serve on active duty?not required0int N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A
UENTDAYPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Day of month entered householdnot required0int N/A
UENTMAINPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Main reason entered householdnot required0int N/A
UENTMONPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Month entered householdnot required0int N/A
UEVRDIVPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Has ... ever been divorced?not required0int N/A
UEVRWIDPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Has ... ever been widowed?not required0int N/A
ULFTDAYPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Day of month left householdnot required0int N/A
ULFTMAINPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Main reason left householdnot required0int N/A
ULFTMONPE: UNEDITED VARIABLE - Month left householdnot required0int N/A
WFFINWGTWW: 'WPFINWGT' for head of familynot required0int N/A
WHFNWGTWW: Household weightnot required0int N/A
WPFINWGTWW: Person weightnot required0int N/A
WSFINWGTWW: 'WPFINWGT' for head of subfamilynot required0int N/A