Census Data API: Variables in /data/2010/acs/acs1/pumspr/variables
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
479 variables
ACRLot sizenot required0int N/A
ADJHSGAdjustment factor for housing dollar amounts (6 implied decimal places)not required0string N/A
ADJINCAdjustment factor for income and earnings dollar amounts (6 implied decimal places)not required0string N/A
AGEPAgenot required0int N/A
AGSSales of Agriculture Products (yearly sales, no adjustment factor is applied)not required0int N/A
ANCAncestry recodenot required0int N/A
ANC1PRecoded Detailed Ancestry - first entrynot required0int N/A
ANC2PRecoded Detailed Ancestry - second entrynot required0int N/A
BATHBathtub or showernot required0int N/A
BDSPNumber of bedroomsnot required0int N/A
BLDUnits in structurenot required0int N/A
BUSBusiness on propertynot required0int N/A
CITCitizenship statusnot required0int N/A
CITWPYear of naturalization write-innot required0int N/A
CONPCondo fee (monthly amount, use ADJHSG to adjust CONP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
COWClass of workernot required0int N/A
DDRSSelf-care difficultynot required0int N/A
DEARHearing difficultynot required0int N/A
DECADEDecade of entrynot required0int N/A
DEYEVision difficultynot required0int N/A
DISDisability recodenot required0int N/A
DIVISIONDivisionnot required0int N/A
DOUTIndependent living difficultynot required0int N/A
DPHYAmbulatory difficultynot required0int N/A
DRATVeteran service connected disability rating (percentage)not required0int N/A
DRATXVeteran service connected disability rating (checkbox)not required0int N/A
DREMCognitive difficultynot required0int N/A
DRIVESPNumber of vehicles calculated from JWRInot required0int N/A
ELEPElectricity (monthly cost, use ADJHSG to adjust values 3 and over to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
ENGAbility to speak Englishnot required0int N/A
ESPEmployment status of parentsnot required0int N/A
ESREmployment status recodenot required0int N/A
FACRPLot size allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FAGEPAge allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FAGSPSales of Agricultural Products allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FANCPAncestry allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FBATHPBathtub or shower allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FBDSPNumber of bedrooms allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FBLDPUnits in structure allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FBUSPBusiness or medical office on property allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FCITPCitizenship allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FCITWPYear of naturalization write-in allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FCONPCondominium fee allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FCOWPClass of worker allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDDRSPSelf-care difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDEARPHearing difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDEYEPVision difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDOUTPIndependent living difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDPHYPAmbulatory difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDRATPDisability rating percentage allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDRATXPDisability rating checkbox allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FDREMPCognitive difficulty allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FELEPElectricity (monthly cost) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FENGPAbility to speak English allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FERGave birth to child within the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
FESFamily type and employment statusnot required0int N/A
FESRPEmployment status recode allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FFERPGave birth to child within the past 12 months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FFODPField of Degree allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FFSPYearly food stamp/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipiency allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FFULPFuel cost (yearly cost for fuels other than gas and electricity) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FGASPGas (monthly cost) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FGCLPGrandparents living with grandchildren allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FGCMPLength of time responsible for grandchildren allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FGCRPGrandparents responsible for grandchildren allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHFLPHouse heating fuel allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS1PInsurance through a current or former employer or union allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS2PInsurance purchased directly from an insurance company allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS3CMedicare coverage given through the eligibility coverage editnot required0int N/A
FHINS3PMedicare, for people 65 or older, or people with certain disabilities allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS4CMedicaid coverage given through the eligibility coverage editnot required0int N/A
FHINS4PMedicaid, medical assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan for people with low incomes or a disability allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS5CTRICARE coverage given through the eligibility coverage editnot required0int N/A
FHINS5PTRICARE or other military health care allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS6PVA (enrolled for VA health care) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHINS7PIndian health service allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FHISPDetailed Hispanic origin allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FINCPFamily income (past 12 months, use ADJINC to adjust FINCP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
FINDPIndustry allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FINSPFire, hazard, flood insurance (yearly amount) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FINTPInterest, dividend, and net rental income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FJWDPTime of departure to work allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FJWMNPTravel time to work allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FJWRIPVehicle occupancy allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FJWTRPPUMS Means of Transportation to Work allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FKITPComplete kitchen facilities allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FLANPLanguage spoken at home allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FLANXPLanguage other than English allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARHDPDivorced in the past 12 months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARHMPMarried in the past 12 months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARHTPTimes married allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARHWPWidowed in the past 12 months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARHYPYear last married allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMARPMarital status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMHPMobile home costs (yearly amount) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMIGPMobility status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMIGSPMigration state allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMILPPMilitary periods of service allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMILSPMilitary service allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMRGIPFirst mortgage payment includes fire, hazard, flood insurance allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMRGPFirst mortgage payment (monthly amount) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMRGTPFirst mortgage payment includes real estate taxes allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMRGXPFirst mortgage status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FMVPWhen moved into this house or apartment allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FOCCPOccupation allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FOD1PRecoded field of degree - first entrynot required0int N/A
FOD2PRecoded field of degree - second entrynot required0int N/A
FOIPAll other income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
forCensus API FIPS 'for' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-for N/A
FPAPPublic assistance income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FPARCFamily presence and age of related childrennot required0int N/A
FPLMPComplete plumbing facilities allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FPOBPPlace of birth allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FPOWSPPlace of work state allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRACPDetailed race allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FREFRPRefrigerator allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRELPPUMS Relationship allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRETPRetirement income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRMSPNumber of rooms allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRNTMPMeals included in rent allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRNTPMonthly rent allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FRWATPHot and cold running water allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSYearly food stamp/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipiencynot required0int N/A
FSCHGPGrade attending allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSCHLPHighest education allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSCHPSchool enrollment allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSEMPSelf-employment income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSEXPSex allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSINKPSink with a faucet allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSMPTotal payment on second and junior mortgages and home equity loans (monthly amount)allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSMXHPHome equity loan status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSMXSPSecond mortgage status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSSIPSupplementary Security Income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSSPSocial Security income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FSTOVPStove or range allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FTAXPProperty taxes (yearly amount) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FTELPTelephone service allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FTENPTenure allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FTOILPFlush toilet allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FULPFuel cost (yearly cost for fuels other than gas and electricity, use ADJHSG to adjust values 3 and over to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
FVACSPVacancy status allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FVALPProperty value allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FVEHPVehicles available allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWAGPWages and salary income allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWATPWater (yearly cost) allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWKHPUsual hours worked per week past 12 months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWKLPLast worked allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWKWPPUMS Weeks Worked Past 12 Months allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FWRKPWorked last week allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FYBLPWhen structure first built allocation flagnot required0int N/A
FYOEPYear of entry allocation flagnot required0int N/A
GASPGas (monthly cost, use ADJHSG to adjust GASP values 4 and over to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
GCLGrandparents living with grandchildrennot required0int N/A
GCMLength of time responsible for grandchildrennot required0int N/A
GCRGrandparents responsible for grandchildrennot required0int N/A
GRNTPGross rent (monthly amount)not required0int N/A
GRPIPGross rent as a percentage of household income past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
HFLHouse heating fuelnot required0int N/A
HHLHousehold languagenot required0int N/A
HHTHousehold/family typenot required0int N/A
HICOVHealth insurance coverage recodenot required0int N/A
HINCPHousehold income (past 12 months, use ADJINC to adjust HINCP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
HINS1Insurance through a current or former employer or unionnot required0int N/A
HINS2Insurance purchased directly from an insurance companynot required0int N/A
HINS3Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilitiesnot required0int N/A
HINS4Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan for those with low incomes onot required0int N/A
HINS5TRICARE or other military health carenot required0int N/A
HINS6VA (enrolled for VA health care)not required0int N/A
HINS7Indian Health Servicenot required0int N/A
HISPRecoded detailed Hispanic originnot required0int N/A
HUGCLHousehold with grandparent living with grandchildrennot required0int N/A
HUPACHH presence and age of childrennot required0int N/A
HUPAOCHH presence and age of own childrennot required0int N/A
HUPARCHH presence and age of related childrennot required0int N/A
inCensus API FIPS 'in' clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0fips-in N/A
INDPIndustry recodenot required0int N/A
INSPFire/hazard/flood insurance (yearly amount, use ADJHSG to adjust INSP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
INTPInterest, dividends, and net rental income past 12 months (signed, use ADJINC to adjust to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
JWAPTime of arrival at work - hour and minutenot required0int N/A
JWDPTime of departure for work - hour and minutenot required0int N/A
JWMNPTravel time to worknot required0int N/A
JWRIPVehicle occupancynot required0int N/A
JWTRTransportation to worknot required0int N/A
KITComplete kitchen facilitiesnot required0int N/A
LANPLanguage spoken at homenot required0int N/A
LANXLanguage other than English spoken at homenot required0int N/A
LNGILimited English speaking householdnot required0int N/A
MARMarital statusnot required0int N/A
MARHDDivorced in the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
MARHMMarried in the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
MARHTNumber of times marriednot required0int N/A
MARHWWidowed in the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
MARHYPYear last marriednot required0int N/A
MHPMobile home costs (yearly amount, use ADJHSG to adjust MHP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
MIGMobility status (lived here 1 year ago)not required0int N/A
MIGPUMAMigration PUMAnot required0int N/A
MIGSPMigration recode - State or foreign country codenot required0int N/A
MILServed in Armed Forcesnot required0int N/A
MLPAServed September 2001 or laternot required0int N/A
MLPBServed August 1990 - August 2001 (including Persian Gulf War)not required0int N/A
MLPCServed September 1980 - July 1990not required0int N/A
MLPDServed May 1975 - August 1980not required0int N/A
MLPEServed Vietnam era (August 1964 - April 1975)not required0int N/A
MLPFServed March 1961 - July 1964not required0int N/A
MLPGServed February 1955 - February 1961not required0int N/A
MLPHServed Korean War (July 1950 - January 1955)not required0int N/A
MLPIServed January 1947 - June 1950not required0int N/A
MLPJServed World War II (December 1941 - December 1946)not required0int N/A
MLPKServed November 1941 or earliernot required0int N/A
MRGIFirst mortgage payment includes fire/hazard/flood insurancenot required0int N/A
MRGPFirst mortgage payment (monthly amount, use ADJHSG to adjust MRGP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
MRGTFirst mortgage payment includes real estate taxesnot required0int N/A
MRGXFirst mortgage statusnot required0int N/A
MSPMarried, spouse present/spouse absentnot required0int N/A
MULTGMultigenerational Householdnot required0int N/A
MVWhen moved into this house or apartmentnot required0int N/A
NAICSPNAICS Industry codenot required0string N/A
NATIVITYNativitynot required0int N/A
NOCNumber of own children in household (unweighted)not required0int N/A
NOPNativity of parentnot required0int N/A
NPNumber of persons in this householdnot required0int N/A
NPFNumber of persons in family (unweighted)not required0int N/A
NPPGrandparent headed household with no parent presentnot required0int N/A
NRPresence of nonrelative in householdnot required0int N/A
NRCNumber of related children in household (unweighted)not required0int N/A
NWABTemporary absence from work (UNEDITED - See "Employment Status Recode" (ESR))not required0int N/A
NWAVAvailable for work (UNEDITED - See "Employment Status Recode" (ESR))not required0int N/A
NWLAOn layoff from work (UNEDITED - See "Employment Status Recode" (ESR))not required0int N/A
NWLKLooking for work (UNEDITED - See "Employment Status Recode" (ESR))not required0int N/A
NWREInformed of recall (UNEDITED - See "Employment Status Recode" (ESR))not required0int N/A
OCOwn childnot required0int N/A
OCCPOccupation recode 2010not required0int N/A
OCPIPSelected monthly owner costs as a percentage of household income during the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
OIPAll other income past 12 months (use ADJINC to adjust to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
PAOCPresence and age of own childrennot required0int N/A
PAPPUMS SSI/AFDC/other welfare incomenot required0int N/A
PARTNERUnmarried partner householdnot required0int N/A
PERNPTotal person's earningsnot required0int N/A
PINCPTotal person's income (signed)not required0int N/A
PLMComplete plumbing facilitiesnot required0int N/A
POBPPlace of birth (Recode)not required0int N/A
POVPIPIncome-to-poverty ratio recodenot required0int N/A
POWPUMAPlace of work PUMAnot required0int N/A
POWSPPlace of work - State or foreign country recodenot required0int N/A
PRIVCOVPrivate health insurance coverage recodenot required0int N/A
PSFPresence of subfamilies in householdnot required0int N/A
PUBCOVPublic health coverage recodenot required0int N/A
PUMAPublic use microdata area code (PUMA)not required0(not a predicate) N/A
PWGTPPUMS person weightnot required0int N/A
PWGTP1Person's Weight replicate 1not required0int N/A
PWGTP10Person's Weight replicate 10not required0int N/A
PWGTP11Person's Weight replicate 11not required0int N/A
PWGTP12Person's Weight replicate 12not required0int N/A
PWGTP13Person's Weight replicate 13not required0int N/A
PWGTP14Person's Weight replicate 14not required0int N/A
PWGTP15Person's Weight replicate 15not required0int N/A
PWGTP16Person's Weight replicate 16not required0int N/A
PWGTP17Person's Weight replicate 17not required0int N/A
PWGTP18Person's Weight replicate 18not required0int N/A
PWGTP19Person's Weight replicate 19not required0int N/A
PWGTP2Person's Weight replicate 2not required0int N/A
PWGTP20Person's Weight replicate 20not required0int N/A
PWGTP21Person's Weight replicate 21not required0int N/A
PWGTP22Person's Weight replicate 22not required0int N/A
PWGTP23Person's Weight replicate 23not required0int N/A
PWGTP24Person's Weight replicate 24not required0int N/A
PWGTP25Person's Weight replicate 25not required0int N/A
PWGTP26Person's Weight replicate 26not required0int N/A
PWGTP27Person's Weight replicate 27not required0int N/A
PWGTP28Person's Weight replicate 28not required0int N/A
PWGTP29Person's Weight replicate 29not required0int N/A
PWGTP3Person's Weight replicate 3not required0int N/A
PWGTP30Person's Weight replicate 30not required0int N/A
PWGTP31Person's Weight replicate 31not required0int N/A
PWGTP32Person's Weight replicate 32not required0int N/A
PWGTP33Person's Weight replicate 33not required0int N/A
PWGTP34Person's Weight replicate 34not required0int N/A
PWGTP35Person's Weight replicate 35not required0int N/A
PWGTP36Person's Weight replicate 36not required0int N/A
PWGTP37Person's Weight replicate 37not required0int N/A
PWGTP38Person's Weight replicate 38not required0int N/A
PWGTP39Person's Weight replicate 39not required0int N/A
PWGTP4Person's Weight replicate 4not required0int N/A
PWGTP40Person's Weight replicate 40not required0int N/A
PWGTP41Person's Weight replicate 41not required0int N/A
PWGTP42Person's Weight replicate 42not required0int N/A
PWGTP43Person's Weight replicate 43not required0int N/A
PWGTP44Person's Weight replicate 44not required0int N/A
PWGTP45Person's Weight replicate 45not required0int N/A
PWGTP46Person's Weight replicate 46not required0int N/A
PWGTP47Person's Weight replicate 47not required0int N/A
PWGTP48Person's Weight replicate 48not required0int N/A
PWGTP49Person's Weight replicate 49not required0int N/A
PWGTP5Person's Weight replicate 5not required0int N/A
PWGTP50Person's Weight replicate 50not required0int N/A
PWGTP51Person's Weight replicate 51not required0int N/A
PWGTP52Person's Weight replicate 52not required0int N/A
PWGTP53Person's Weight replicate 53not required0int N/A
PWGTP54Person's Weight replicate 54not required0int N/A
PWGTP55Person's Weight replicate 55not required0int N/A
PWGTP56Person's Weight replicate 56not required0int N/A
PWGTP57Person's Weight replicate 57not required0int N/A
PWGTP58Person's Weight replicate 58not required0int N/A
PWGTP59Person's Weight replicate 59not required0int N/A
PWGTP6Person's Weight replicate 6not required0int N/A
PWGTP60Person's Weight replicate 60not required0int N/A
PWGTP61Person's Weight replicate 61not required0int N/A
PWGTP62Person's Weight replicate 62not required0int N/A
PWGTP63Person's Weight replicate 63not required0int N/A
PWGTP64Person's Weight replicate 64not required0int N/A
PWGTP65Person's Weight replicate 65not required0int N/A
PWGTP66Person's Weight replicate 66not required0int N/A
PWGTP67Person's Weight replicate 67not required0int N/A
PWGTP68Person's Weight replicate 68not required0int N/A
PWGTP69Person's Weight replicate 69not required0int N/A
PWGTP7Person's Weight replicate 7not required0int N/A
PWGTP70Person's Weight replicate 70not required0int N/A
PWGTP71Person's Weight replicate 71not required0int N/A
PWGTP72Person's Weight replicate 72not required0int N/A
PWGTP73Person's Weight replicate 73not required0int N/A
PWGTP74Person's Weight replicate 74not required0int N/A
PWGTP75Person's Weight replicate 75not required0int N/A
PWGTP76Person's Weight replicate 76not required0int N/A
PWGTP77Person's Weight replicate 77not required0int N/A
PWGTP78Person's Weight replicate 78not required0int N/A
PWGTP79Person's Weight replicate 79not required0int N/A
PWGTP8Person's Weight replicate 8not required0int N/A
PWGTP80Person's Weight replicate 80not required0int N/A
PWGTP9Person's Weight replicate 9not required0int N/A
QTRBIRQuarter of birthnot required0int N/A
R18Presence of persons under 18 years in household (unweighted)not required0int N/A
R60Presence of persons 60 years and over in household (unweighted)not required0int N/A
R65Presence of persons 65 years and over in household (unweighted)not required0int N/A
RAC1PRace1 recodenot required0int N/A
RAC2PRecoded detailed race codenot required0int N/A
RAC3PRace3 recodenot required0int N/A
RACAIANAmerican Indian and Alaska Native recode (American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races)not required0int N/A
RACASNAsian recode (Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races)not required0int N/A
RACBLKBlack or African American recode (Black alone or in combination with one or more other races)not required0int N/A
RACNHPIRace includes NHPInot required0int N/A
RACNUMNumber of major race groups representednot required0int N/A
RACSORSome other race recode (Some other race alone or in combination with one or more other races)not required0int N/A
RACWHTWhite recode (White alone or in combination with one or more other races)not required0int N/A
RCRelated childnot required0int N/A
REFRRefrigeratornot required0int N/A
REGIONRegionnot required0int N/A
RELPRelationshipnot required0int N/A
RESMODEResponse modenot required0int N/A
RETPRetirement income past 12 months (use ADJINC to adjust to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
RMSPNumber of Roomsnot required0int N/A
RNTMMeals included in rentnot required0int N/A
RNTPMonthly rent (use ADJHSG to adjust RNTP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
RTRecord typenot required0string N/A
RWATHot and cold running waternot required0int N/A
SCHSchool enrollmentnot required0int N/A
SCHGGrade level attendingnot required0int N/A
SCHLEducational attainmentnot required0int N/A
SCIENGPField of Degree Science and Engineering Flag - NSF Definitionnot required0int N/A
SCIENGRLPField of Degree Science and Engineering Related Flag - NSF Definitionnot required0int N/A
SEMPSelf-employment income past 12 months (signed, use ADJINC to adjust SEMP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
SERIALNOHousing unit/GQ person serial numbernot required0int N/A
SEXSexnot required0int N/A
SFNSubfamily numbernot required0int N/A
SFRSubfamily relationshipnot required0int N/A
SINKSink with a faucetnot required0int N/A
SMOCPSelected monthly owner costs (use ADJHSG to adjust SMOCP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
SMPTotal payment on all second and junior mortgages and home equity loans (monthly amount, use ADJHSG to adjust SMP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
SMXSecond or junior mortgage or home equity loan statusnot required0int N/A
SOCPSOC Occupation code 2010not required0string N/A
SPORDERPerson numbernot required0int N/A
SRNTSpecified rental unitnot required0int N/A
SSIPSupplementary Security Income past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
SSPPUMS Social Security or Railroad Retirement Incomenot required0int N/A
STState of current residencenot required0(not a predicate) N/A
STOVStove or rangenot required0int N/A
SVALSpecified owner unitnot required0int N/A
TAXPProperty taxes (yearly amount, no adjustment factor is applied)not required0int N/A
TELTelephonenot required0int N/A
TENTenurenot required0int N/A
TOILFlush toiletnot required0int N/A
TYPEType of unitnot required0int N/A
ucgidUniform Census Geography Identifier clauseCensus API Geography Specificationpredicate-only0ucgid N/A
VACSVacancy statusnot required0int N/A
VALPProperty valuenot required0int N/A
VEHVehicles (1 ton or less) availablenot required0int N/A
VPSVeteran period of servicenot required0int N/A
WAGPWages or salary income past 12 months (use ADJINC to adjust WAGP to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
WAOBWorld area of birthnot required0int N/A
WATPWater (yearly cost, use ADJHSG to adjust WATP values 3 and over to constant dollars)not required0int N/A
WGTPHousing Unit Weightnot required0int N/A
WGTP1Housing Weight replicate 1not required0int N/A
WGTP10Housing Weight replicate 10not required0int N/A
WGTP11Housing Weight replicate 11not required0int N/A
WGTP12Housing Weight replicate 12not required0int N/A
WGTP13Housing Weight replicate 13not required0int N/A
WGTP14Housing Weight replicate 14not required0int N/A
WGTP15Housing Weight replicate 15not required0int N/A
WGTP16Housing Weight replicate 16not required0int N/A
WGTP17Housing Weight replicate 17not required0int N/A
WGTP18Housing Weight replicate 18not required0int N/A
WGTP19Housing Weight replicate 19not required0int N/A
WGTP2Housing Weight replicate 2not required0int N/A
WGTP20Housing Weight replicate 20not required0int N/A
WGTP21Housing Weight replicate 21not required0int N/A
WGTP22Housing Weight replicate 22not required0int N/A
WGTP23Housing Weight replicate 23not required0int N/A
WGTP24Housing Weight replicate 24not required0int N/A
WGTP25Housing Weight replicate 25not required0int N/A
WGTP26Housing Weight replicate 26not required0int N/A
WGTP27Housing Weight replicate 27not required0int N/A
WGTP28Housing Weight replicate 28not required0int N/A
WGTP29Housing Weight replicate 29not required0int N/A
WGTP3Housing Weight replicate 3not required0int N/A
WGTP30Housing Weight replicate 30not required0int N/A
WGTP31Housing Weight replicate 31not required0int N/A
WGTP32Housing Weight replicate 32not required0int N/A
WGTP33Housing Weight replicate 33not required0int N/A
WGTP34Housing Weight replicate 34not required0int N/A
WGTP35Housing Weight replicate 35not required0int N/A
WGTP36Housing Weight replicate 36not required0int N/A
WGTP37Housing Weight replicate 37not required0int N/A
WGTP38Housing Weight replicate 38not required0int N/A
WGTP39Housing Weight replicate 39not required0int N/A
WGTP4Housing Weight replicate 4not required0int N/A
WGTP40Housing Weight replicate 40not required0int N/A
WGTP41Housing Weight replicate 41not required0int N/A
WGTP42Housing Weight replicate 42not required0int N/A
WGTP43Housing Weight replicate 43not required0int N/A
WGTP44Housing Weight replicate 44not required0int N/A
WGTP45Housing Weight replicate 45not required0int N/A
WGTP46Housing Weight replicate 46not required0int N/A
WGTP47Housing Weight replicate 47not required0int N/A
WGTP48Housing Weight replicate 48not required0int N/A
WGTP49Housing Weight replicate 49not required0int N/A
WGTP5Housing Weight replicate 5not required0int N/A
WGTP50Housing Weight replicate 50not required0int N/A
WGTP51Housing Weight replicate 51not required0int N/A
WGTP52Housing Weight replicate 52not required0int N/A
WGTP53Housing Weight replicate 53not required0int N/A
WGTP54Housing Weight replicate 54not required0int N/A
WGTP55Housing Weight replicate 55not required0int N/A
WGTP56Housing Weight replicate 56not required0int N/A
WGTP57Housing Weight replicate 57not required0int N/A
WGTP58Housing Weight replicate 58not required0int N/A
WGTP59Housing Weight replicate 59not required0int N/A
WGTP6Housing Weight replicate 6not required0int N/A
WGTP60Housing Weight replicate 60not required0int N/A
WGTP61Housing Weight replicate 61not required0int N/A
WGTP62Housing Weight replicate 62not required0int N/A
WGTP63Housing Weight replicate 63not required0int N/A
WGTP64Housing Weight replicate 64not required0int N/A
WGTP65Housing Weight replicate 65not required0int N/A
WGTP66Housing Weight replicate 66not required0int N/A
WGTP67Housing Weight replicate 67not required0int N/A
WGTP68Housing Weight replicate 68not required0int N/A
WGTP69Housing Weight replicate 69not required0int N/A
WGTP7Housing Weight replicate 7not required0int N/A
WGTP70Housing Weight replicate 70not required0int N/A
WGTP71Housing Weight replicate 71not required0int N/A
WGTP72Housing Weight replicate 72not required0int N/A
WGTP73Housing Weight replicate 73not required0int N/A
WGTP74Housing Weight replicate 74not required0int N/A
WGTP75Housing Weight replicate 75not required0int N/A
WGTP76Housing Weight replicate 76not required0int N/A
WGTP77Housing Weight replicate 77not required0int N/A
WGTP78Housing Weight replicate 78not required0int N/A
WGTP79Housing Weight replicate 79not required0int N/A
WGTP8Housing Weight replicate 8not required0int N/A
WGTP80Housing Weight replicate 80not required0int N/A
WGTP9Housing Weight replicate 9not required0int N/A
WIFWorkers in family during the past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
WKEXRELWork experience of householder and spousenot required0int N/A
WKHPUsual hours worked per week past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
WKLWhen last workednot required0int N/A
WKWWeeks worked during past 12 monthsnot required0int N/A
WORKSTATWork status of householder or spouse in family householdsnot required0int N/A
WRKWorked last weeknot required0int N/A
YBLWhen structure first builtnot required0int N/A
YOEPYear of entrynot required0int N/A