Census Data API: Variables in /data/2017/cfsprelim/groups/CF1700P4
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
34 variables
AVGMILEAverage Miles per Shipment (Number)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0intCF1700P4
AVGMILE_FFlag for Average Miles per Shipment (Number)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
AVGMILE_SCoefficient of Variation for Average Miles per ShipmentCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
AVGMILE_S_FFlag for Coefficient of Variation for Average Miles per ShipmentCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
GEO_IDGeographic identifier codeCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
GEO_ID_FGeo FootnoteCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
NAMEGeographic Area NameCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
SHIPWTShipment weight codeCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
SHIPWT_LABELMeaning of Shipment weight codeCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TMILETon-Miles (Millions)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0intCF1700P4
TMILE_FFlag for Ton-Miles (Millions)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TMILE_SCoefficient of Variation for Ton-MilesCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TMILE_S_FFlag for Coefficient of Variation for Ton-MilesCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TMILEPTon-Miles (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TMILEP_FFlag for Ton-Miles (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TMILEP_SStandard Error for Ton-Miles (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TMILEP_S_FFlag for Standard Error for Ton-Miles (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TONTons (Thousands)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0intCF1700P4
TON_FFlag for Tons (Thousands)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TON_SCoefficient of Variation for TonsCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TON_S_FFlag for Coefficient of Variation for TonsCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TONPTons (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TONP_FFlag for Tons (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
TONP_SStandard Error for Tons (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
TONP_S_FFlag for Standard Error for Tons (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
VALValue ($ Millions)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0intCF1700P4
VAL_FFlag for Value ($ Millions)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
VAL_SCoefficient of Variation for ValueCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
VAL_S_FFlag for Coefficient of Variation for ValueCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
VALPValue (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
VALP_FFlag for Value (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
VALP_SStandard Error for Value (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0floatCF1700P4
VALP_S_FFlag for Standard Error for Value (Percent of Total)CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4
YEARYearCFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Total Modal Activity: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Distance Shipped: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Shipment Weight: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by Industry: 2017;CFS Preliminary Report: Shipment Characteristics by 2-digit Commodity: 2017predicate-only0stringCF1700P4