Census Data API: Variables in /data/timeseries/eits/qtax/groups/GS00QTC01
NameLabelConceptRequiredAttributesLimitPredicate TypeGroup
11 variables
CATEGORY_CODECategory codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
CATEGORY_CODE_LABELMeaning of Category codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
CELL_VALUEAmount ($1,000,000)Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0intGS00QTC01
DATA_TYPE_CODEData type codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
DATA_TYPE_CODE_LABELMeaning of Data type codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
ERROR_DATAError dataQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
GEO_IDGeographic identifier codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
NAMEGeographic Area NameQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
SEASONALLY_ADJSeasonally adjusted codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
SEASONALLY_ADJ_LABELMeaning of Seasonally adjusted codeQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0stringGS00QTC01
TIME_SLOT_DATEQuarterQuarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State and Local Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: National Totals of State Tax Revenue: US Total 1992-2024;Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes: State Tax Collections by State and Type of Tax: US and States 1994-2024predicate-only0(not a predicate)GS00QTC01